Ruby Kisses – Crazy Night Out

I finally have for you the first one of Ruby Kisses nail polishes I bought a while back.

As soon as I saw Ruby Kisses Crazy Night Out polish, I just knew this is something for our glitter fans – purple hexagonal glitter + smaller holographic version of glitter + even smaller squares of purple glitter in clear base.

Ruby Kiss - Crazy Night Out (bottle) by Parokeets
Ruby Kisses - Crazy Night Out (bottle)

I layered one thick coat of Crazy Night Out over p2 Call Me nail polish.

p2 Call me + Ruby Kiss Crazy Night Out swatch by Parokeets
p2 Call me + Ruby Kisses Crazy Night Out

I’m not huge fan of this kind of glitter as it reminds me of … something unpleasant. Now if they used flakies instead of hexagonal glitter, I would be drooling heavily over this manicure. :D

Here is collage of details taken in lightbox and sunshine for glitter fans.

Ruby Kiss - Crazy Night Out detail(s)
Ruby Kisses - Crazy Night Out detail(s)

Removal was difficult of course. We all know the story of glitters … if everything else fails – go for the foil method.

15ml (0.5 fl. oz.) polish costs 3 EUR (4.3 USD).

What do you say? Will you let go and indulge in Crazy Night Out or will you pass?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

32 thoughts on “Ruby Kisses – Crazy Night Out”

  1. O marička! In jaz sem ga dala nazaj na stojalo! Madona, saj me boste benale z bloga! :blush: Naslednjič ga moram nujno kupit. Stalno jamram, kako je premalo takih bleščičkotov v Sloveniji, potem pa ko pridejo, ga pa ignoriram. Ah … :hmm:

  2. Poleg tega, da sem fenica zelenih odtenkov, so mi prav tako pri srcu vijolični. in te bleščice… čeprav si nista kaj dosti podobna, sem se spomnila na krasen lakec Kiko, št. 255. Kot da bi gledala nabito polno zvezdnato nebo… :wub:

    • Vatico prepojiš z odstranjevalcem laka, naneseš na noht in zaviješ s kuhinjsko alu folijo. Počakaš 3-5 min, potem pa vse skupaj odstraniš.


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