Vault post that is long, long, long time overdue. Remember our visit to beauty fair in Zagreb? It was there that I bought my first SpaRitual polishes.
SpaRitual Dreams Becoming Reality is teal creme shade. It’s no wonder I couldn’t leave it there. I’m not huge fan of their narrow brushes, but it’s not overly annoying so I can live with it. Formula was OK – nothing special really. Two coats were enough for full coverage. As always – top coat was added.

I just had Maestra’s Barry M White Frost crackle on a test ride, so I layered it over Dreams Becoming Reality. How do you like teal-white combo?

I can not believe how many photos is hiding in my vault folder. Maybe you’ll get a chance to see more of them as I don’t have much time to take of my newer purchases.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Kako je lep… :wub: niti enega nisem kupila. :whistle:
Predivna modra boja, svidja mi se!
Moja “nujna” barva od SpaRitual. Res je popoln tealko. Sicer sem jih v zadnjem času precej dobila, ampak tale je čudovit. :wub:
Jaz se moram prav po prstih, da ne kupim čisto vsakega, ki ga zagledam. :nono: :biggrin:
prekrasna nijansa, može proći čak i s crackleom :thumb:
I love this color, even whit the white crackle :party:
It is one of the pretties teal polishes I own. :wub:
Awwwwww :wub:
Brez crackla definitivno bolj srčkan :yes:
Oz se ga bolje vidi. :biggrin:
Ooo, kako je lep. Brez crackle nadlaka mi je lepši. =)
Ne pomaga pa niti, da ga nisem lepo nanesla. :silly: