It sounds easy but it’s not. First all the criteria for mushroom growth have to be met and then you have to find them. You have to have a gift for mushroom gathering … and good luck. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones as I usually bring home full basket.
We mostly gather boletus mushrooms as we’re most familiar with them and there are lots of them in our woods.
As soon as eyes get use to the less light in the woods, hunt on the mushrooms can begin.
How many do you see on the below photo? They’re hard to find in the woods also.
Fly agaric – colorful but deadly. But they grow in the similar conditions as boletus.
Here is how my mushroom/chestnut hunt ended. I already made mushroom soup, but chestnut is still waiting to be served. Maybe the luck will have it that all the Parakeets ladies will roast it together.
As I write this post there is 6°C outside. Couple of days ago I was sweeting in 25°C. But I am looking forward to rain … after rain come the mushrooms!
Big to all of you who went mushroom hunting with me.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
It is great that you know a place where you can see a lot of mushroom. Gathering them seems to be a lot of fun. It has been so long since I tasted boletus mushroom. I am sure your mushroom soup was delicious. Thank you for sharing.
Jaz redko najdem kakšno užitno gobo tako da ti kar bolj natančno povej kje si te slikce posnela :zip: …
hahaha, vse sem nabrala v gozdu, večinoma pod drevesi. :zip: :wink:
jaz jih tudi obožujem in komajčakam tudi na ‘marele’ :wink:
Marel letos še nisem našla, najbrž je presuho zanje. :wink:
Pity my sis is allergic to any kind of mushrooms.
Pretty pictures!
Thank you! :wave:
I love gathering mushrooms :D
Me too, me too! :stars:
:drool: :drool: Gobe, mjaaam! Jaz sem pravi hobit, obožujem gobe! Samo enkrat sem šla gobarit in neznansko uživala v tem, zgolj zaradi dejstva, da sem bila v gozdu, nosu zanje pa še nisem razvila. Ampak uživam v brskanju po gozdovih. In gobova rižota mi zdaj neznansko diši, mljask!
Saj če rastejo, jih ni težko najti. :idea: Ko hodim po gozdu, ga ni gobarja, ki bi imel prazno košarico. OK, še vedno ostane kostanj. :yes: Tega je res veliko.
Se pa moram strinjat, Ulmiel, da je gobo treba tudi videti. Včasih gremo s kom “novim” v gozd in se mora prav spotaknit ob jurčka, da ga vidi. :undecided: Ampak ko enkrat vidiš, kako so skriti, kje je treba bit še posebej pozoren, ko se navadiš na različno svetlobo, ko/če/ker… no, takrat kar sami letijo v košaro. :party:
In potem je treba samo še narediti načrt, za kaj jih boš porabil. Gobova rižota je vsekakor zelo primerna. Ali pa testenine z jurčki, na rezine narezani in popečeni klobučki s sirom, pečeni z jajčki, vloženi…pa gobova juha…vsestransko uporabni so.
Upam, da ti jih uspe najti in da se boš lahko kmalu pohvalila z njimi. Mislim, da se je gobarska sezona letos komaj začela. Kdaj je že polna luna? :angel:
Oooo, Tanja, konkreten gobarski pohod! :w00t: Jaz jih danes nisem dobila prav veliko, najbrž se je preveč ohladilo, ali pa dež ni dovolj namočil tal. Upam, da imaš ti danes srečno roko. Poročaj. :happy:
ha, včeraj jih je moj oče nabral približno 20 kg :nails:
in to v vsem tem snegu in mrazu ;) :zip: danes grem pa še jaz na gobarski pohod! :happy: