The most votes in Essence poll went to new Colour³ nail polish duos. I guess you really like them as they were way ahead of new Essence magnetic nail polishes.
Essence launched 6 duo nail polishes in their Colour3 line (3 as three different shades – base, layering and combination of both). Design is similar as in Circus, Circus TE. As far as I can see, they swapped black plastic for white one and stamped the name of the nail polish on the base side + catchy phrase on layering polish side. My main problem with these polishes is still the same … how the heck am I going to store them. :D
My absolute favorite from Essence Colour3 line is Midnight Date. Base itself is beautiful – dark blue with purplish-teal duochrome. But when you add green-blue flakies suspended in sheer purple base … And on top of everything, you can get away with one coat of base coat for even application.
Just look at the complexity of this combination.
No. 2 is my least favorite – Shopping Trip In Soho. It’s shimmery pink base with pink and blurple flakies. Do I need to say more?
I bought Kiss On Top Of The Rock duo because I liked the creme red base part. Layering side with orange and pink shimmer did not look that appealing to me … especially not as layering polish over red base. Pinkish orange over slightly cool red base? Well, I have to admit that it doesn’t look bad. And I have to tell you that red base is poetry to apply + one coat is enough for full opacity.
A Walk In The Park base needed two coats for nice and even application, but the color is stunning. Green base with blue undertone and lovely green shimmer. Layering side is nice, and I can’t say that I dislike the combo, I just don’t like it that much. Does that make sense?
Boys Are Back In Town is one of those grayed out purple nail polishes. Formula is on the thicker side, so I’m hoping it will be good for stamping. Layering polish has very sheer base with bluish violet and purple shimmer.
Last one is the darkest shade. Essence named this combination Ticket To The Show. Base part is very dark base with lots of multicolored shimmer. It reminds me a lot of Catrice I Wear My Sunglasses At Night. The layering side has the most coverage from all six duo nail polishes.
Price: 2,89 EUR for 2x4ml
All polishes are swatched as layering side over base side. You can see separate swatches in the video.
Video review:
Let’s hear it – which duo is your winning combination?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
In my Country they cost 3,50€ :(
I love them ALL! ^^
Čudoviti so. Zase sem sicer kupila le Midnight Date in Just the Nude Of Us iz Season of Extremes.
Prekrasni su svi! :drool: Naj mi je Midnight date a najbolje ime: Shopping Trip In Soho :wub:
:wub: Ne morem se odločit, kateri mi je lepši..
oho, midnight date i ticket to the show za mene, molim lijepo :love:
Jeste li već dobili nove Essence stvarčice?
Midnight Date je očitno must have :wink:
Jope. :biggrin:
Tudi meni je moder najlepši
i really love these!
just got three of them today, but i’m definatly getting the other tree as well :)
Which ones did you get? :w00t:
the blue, pink & purple one.
Midnight date in pa Walk in the park – stunning! :stars:
Midnight date = love at first sight. :biggrin:
Na tvojih nohtih vsi izgledajo prekrasno, vendar me vseeno nobeden ne prepriča da bi ga kupila.
Ooo. :rose:
Kaj te moti – dizajn ali barvni izbor?
Barvni izbor se mi ne zdi nič tako posebnega – imam toliko podobnih lakov da me ti ne prepričajo v nakup.
Wow thanks soooo much for the swatches! So I know that I need Midnight Date and Boys Are Back In Town ;)
Good choice. :nails:
mislim, da sem se zaljubila :) kar v vse :))
Lol, lepo da nisem edina obsedenka. :biggrin:
Midnight Date is definitely the winner!! Why can’t they make some pretty pink/purple flakies? I love blue but I want more colours!
I’m all for purple flakies. :w00t:
fantastični *_*
mislim da bodo kar 4 šli z mano, prvi in zadnji 3 :D Moj zmagovalec pa, hm, težka izbira.
Verjetno boys are back in town. Hvala za swatche, super kot vedno :)
Tale embalaža je pa res..”posebna” :undecided:
Moje zmagovalec je pa seveda “Boys Are Back In Town”; ampak nisem pa zihr, če bom kupovala tole, hm; me ne prepričajo dovolj.
Meni so zelo luštni odtenki … samo naj ne dodajo preveč lakov v to kolekcijo. :biggrin:
Mene ne prepričajo preveč ravno zaradi oblike xD Bi bila bolj navdušena, če bi jih prodajali posebej :naughty:
Drugače pa so mi najbolj všeč Midnight Date, Shopping trip in Soho-samo nadlak in Ticket to the show :yes:
Uh, ja – ne bi bilo švoh, če bi bili ločeni. Si ne predstavljam kaj bo, ko bom imela 20-30 teh lakov. Spet nazaj na škatle za čevlje? :biggrin:
Klanjam ti se za delo, ki si ga imela s swatchanjem! :yes:
Meni so vsi všeč, ampak noben me ne prepriča v popolnosti. Verjetno ker sem bolj ljubiteljica krem lakov. :whistle:
Ko pogledam dokončan post, se vprašam … kako to da sem porabila toliko ur za teh nekaj fotk. :biggrin:
Ljubiteljica krem lakov pa res lahko strada ob tej liniji. :silly:
Prvi s flejkiji in rdeč sta mi najbolj všeč! Zelen dvojček ima fantastično zeleno,vendar tudi jaz nisem prepričana o topperju … ko sem ga videla v trgovini se mi je sicer zdel božanski, tako da ga bom verjetno poskusila plastiti še preko črne, to vedno pomaga. Ticket to the show me pa blazno spominja na en odtenek … pa se ne bom spomnila na katerega. Lep je, pomoje ga kupim. Jaz jih bom shranjevala kot kulije, pomoje. :D Ali pa v mini posodico, tako nižjo, tako da se ne kotalijo. Sicer mi je zabavna embalaža, ampak ni ravno najboljša za shranjevanje, ja …
Meni je končni učinek Ticket to the show zelo soroden “vampirskemu” Gold old Buffy :yes:
Mene tudi spominja na vampirčka, vendar ju še nisem imela čas primerjati. :yes:
Jaaa, točno, hvala, Magrateja!