Long, long time ago Maestra showed us gorgeous Deborah Shine Tech 18 – nail polish with black base and holographic shimmer. Of course I bought it …
Isadora Black Galaxy was on my WL for quite some time – I loved this polish, but the price was steep and it looked very similar to Deborah Shine Tech no. 18. Finally I bought it as part of the Isadora’s set.
Both polishes are slightly on the jelly side – Black Galaxy more than Deborah 18. I guess bigger glitter demands it. Deborah has mostly square glitter while Isadora combined square and hexagonal one. But you need huge close up photos to see glitter structure. Both polishes are applied in two layers + 2 layers of top coat to eliminate the grittiness left by the glitter.
Which one would I recommend? Well – both. If you like a little bit more subtle effect, the I would go for Deborah, and if you’re more into bling-bling, Black Galaxy is more you’re style. I like quality of both nail polishes, so no issue there.
Price/performance? Deborah Shine Tech nail polishes cost little less than 7 EUR and you get 8,5ml polish. Isadora’s nail polishes are basically still in the minis category with 6ml of polish and they cost around 9 EUR.
Which one appeals to you more?
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Tovrstne lake obožujem. :yes: Vendar se mi zdijo med sabo preveč podobni, da bi jih kupovala v večjem številu – razen če seveda ni dovolj velike razlike v bleščicah, intenzivnosti ipd. Takega imam Eyekota, Cosmic in sem z njim čisto srečna. Aja, pa še enega Lumenejčka, prav tako čudovit odtenek, z še večjimi bleščicami. Imam oba zelo rada. :yes: Bi pa z veseljem imela obe te znamki, ki ju predstavljaš, sta mi obe zelo všeč, IsaDori le zamerim, da je tako zelo draga.
Za minije, je cena kar visoka. Naj večkrat dajo v prodajo kompletke. :biggrin:
Oba sta zeeeloooo lepa :wub:
Jope – sploh na sončku. :wub:
Isadorin. :wub:
So udarni bolj po tvojem okusu? :silly:
Hudo dober :wub:
Prvi, drugi, oba? :biggrin:
i like them more than i suspected :)
You should see the glittering in the sun. :drool: