Nude nail polishes are not my favorite color group so I usually completely overlook them. Which means that I don’t have anything appropriate to use when manicure calls for this kind of color. During their spring assortment change, Essence came out with the whole line of nude nail polishes. They called it Nude Glam. I have for you swatches of 4 out of 7 nail polishes in this line.

I started out with the thought of making comparison swatch … and save the time for swatches of new Catrice nail polishes. Well, Nude Glam polishes had different kind of idea. Can you believe that all four of them suck at showing their true color to my camera? So I had no choice but to make individual swatches. :D
Essence Nude Glam Iced Latte (no. 04) is little bit to light for my taste. Application was passable – not easy or hard, but you need to take your time. This it the only creme polish from the bunch. Color is pretty hard to describe as they added some kind of pinkish undertone to light beige shade. But less “pinkish” than in the photo.

Essence Nude Glam Toffee To Go (no. 05) is brownish beige shade with tiny, tiny shimmer and slight yellow undertone. Application of 3 shimmery shades was a little bit better that with Iced Latte.

Essence Nude Glam Hazelnut Cream Pie (no. 6) is loaded with dust like shimmer in cooler pinkish color.

Essence Nude Glam Cafe Ole (no. 7) is cooler gray-brown shade with shimmer.

Nude Glam nail polishes cost around 1,5 EUR and are in the minis category with 5ml of product.
Quite a while ago Maestra posted photo of lace konadicure. I wanted to do something similar ever since, but was waiting for THE nude nail polish to make it with. All I can say is – total fail. I would need different kind of flower motive (tried 2, but neither worked), shorter nails, base polish to show it’s true colors …

Now I’ll have to buy the rest of this collection in my search to find the ultimate nude nail polish for me. :D
How do you like Essence Nude Glam polishes? Which one is your favorite?
I used 2 coats of polish + top coat for all the swatches in this post. Shimmer details were taken in strong sunlight.

*we received 2 shades for review purposes
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Thanks so much for this post! I was interested in what the polish looked like i.e. opacity so I could decide if I wanted to purchase them :)
I tested the range of colours before I bought one and my favourite was hazelnut cream pie. Im really into nude shades and was so excited when I saw this new range! The pale pink also looks nice but I figured I already have so many shades of pink it was time for something different. I was very impressed with the quality & coverage of this polish. Very similar to OPI but only fraction of the cost at just $2.50 AUD! I only had to apply one coat and it looked good, then I used the top coat ‘gel look’ which really made the polish look great. The polish is quite matte without the top coat.
These are really pretty! My favorite is Hazelnut Cream Pie :stars: :stars:
I see that shade is one of the more popular ones. :cute:
Mislim, da si bom nabavila Hazelnut Cream Pie – sem že dolgo na lovu za perfect nude lakom :sigh:
Poznam občutek. :silly:
Moj favorit je Iced Latte, najsvetlejši. Včasih si jih prav zaželim. Prav veliko pa jih ne nosim.
Če pa je vijola toliko lepša, ane? :biggrin:
Jaz in nude odtenki se še kar ne moremo … mislim, da imam dva v stashu, še to bolj po naključju, enega mi je sestrična prinesla, enega sem dobila v paketku … če že rabim nevtralne barve, posežem po taupe odtenkih. Tudi od teh mi je še najbolj všeč Cafe Ole, kupila pa ne bom nobenega, razen če bo, tako kot pri tebi, padla kakšna specifična ideja za manikuro in bom potrebovala tak odtenek. :yes:
Jaz jih imam tudi izredno malo … občutek imam, da me nekako izperejo. Vendar moram malo dopolniti zbirko, ker se mi ne da laufat non stop v drogerijo, ko kakega potrebujem. :biggrin:
Vsi so lepi :wub: no, prvi tudi meni zgleda malo presvetel, se pa da preživet :yes:
S kako lepo konadikuro, ane? :silly:
ko sem jih videla na stojalu, sem se kar zaljubila v njih! nude laki so mi vsec, ker vcasih okoliscine zahtevajo bolj umirjene manikure, pa se dora baza za konadiranje so. ker se nisem med sedmimi znala odloiti katerega vzeti, na koncu nisem vzela nobenega! sem cakala na swatche, kakrsna je vasa prva slika, da vidim razliko med njimi ;) so mi pa prvi trije odtenki zelo vsec! (spet se ne bi mogla opredeliti samo za enega :sigh: )
LOL – jaz v takih situacijah potem ponavadi vzamem vse. :haha:
Takole skupaj (na rvi slikici) se vidi očitna razlika, ampak v trgovini mi pa vsi isti delujejo in ne vem katerega izbrat :wink:
Če se pa že moram odločit, sta mi pa odtenka Hazelnut Cream Pie in Cafe ole najbolj všeč, obstaja pa tudi en, ki je malce bolj roza in tisti mi je še najbolj padel v oko :yes:
Jaz sem imela isti problem – kaj za vraga je sploh razlika … potem pa :idea: moment. :biggrin:
Tistega imam tudi jaz še na WL. :yes:
Meni se zdi, da ti Hazelnut Cream Pie še najbolj paše, vsaj s tiste slikce, kjer imaš namazane vse. :) Sama nimam še nobenega, so me pa že večkrat mikali. :yes:
Jaz glasujem za Cafe Ole. :biggrin:
I saw them in store but I didn’t buy them because I rarely use nude polishes and I already have a couple of them. The thing is I really like how they look on nails, so simple and chic, I think I’ll go back and grab one or two. A girl needs some nude polishes, right? :whistle:
We definitively need them … for me, the trick is finding ones that don’t make my hand look like corps. :silly:
Great post! It’s really useful to see swatches of these polishes!
iced latte and toffee to go are my faves!
I’m more of a Cafe Ole gal. :biggrin: