How to add Parokeets blog to your GFC reader

We don’t have GFC widget on Parokeets blog, but you can still add us to your GFC/Blogger reader manually. It’s not exactly one click and voila, but it is pretty fast to do nevertheless.

Here is how:

  • log into Blogger dashboard;
  • scroll down to the Reading List;
  • click Add button;
  • write down in Add From URL field:
  • click Follow button and you’re done.
Follow Parokeets with GFC reader
Add Parokeets blog to your GFC reader

So, what happened after GFC stopped working on our blog? We got really confusing feedback, so I’ll recap:

  • some still have our blog in their readers
  • for others we disappeared altogether from their Blogger dashboard
  • some still see us in feed, but we’re not on their blogroll any more ( for all of you who contacted us and let us know that you added us back) …

All in all – nothing makes sense. :D

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

6 thoughts on “How to add Parokeets blog to your GFC reader”

  1. Jaz vas še vedno spremljam preko bloggerja in tudi nove poste dobivam, tako da se pri meni ni nič spremenilo

  2. Samo ta način je včasih deloval le do 300 blogov, ki jih spremljaš. Zdaj ne vem, če so kaj spremenili to številko, ali ne…

    • Kolikokrat pa so to potem spremenili. :roll:
      Pred leti si lahko dodal samo x blogov s Follow gumbom na strani in na zgornji način kolikor si hotel.
      Večina jih sicer res ne bere toliko blogov, ampak mene osebno omejitev moti pri NetworkedBlogs … jim v vsaki anketi dopišem, da eni smo pač obsedeni in jih dejansko spremljamo več kot 200. :biggrin:


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