Review and swatches: Essence Soul Sista TE

I was really modest and asked Saša to get me only two nail polishes from Essence Soul Sista TE. I’m saving myself for Snow White and Coolibri limited editions. :D

Essence Soul Sista TE: Totally Retro Nude, Mojito Green
Essence Soul Sista TE: Totally Retro Nude, Mojito Green

I must admit I never drank Mojito in this kind of green shade. Both nail polishes got to me with tiny shimmer and lovely base colors. Mojito Green one being my favorite of course. It’s one of those green than can be more or less green than shown in the photo. Formula is little bit thicker, so I don’t really recommend thin layers. 2 coats + top coat.

Essence Soul Sista TE - Mojito Green
Essence Soul Sista TE - Mojito Green (swatch)

Totally Retro Nude has really funky base. Color shifts from light beige to almost beige-apricot like color. Shimmer is similar as in Mojito Green. Come to think of it – so is the formula. Here is how it looks like under artificial light (detail – sun) …

Essence Soul Sista TE - Totally Retro Nude (lightbox)
Essence Soul Sista TE - Totally Retro Nude (lightbox)

… and in shade.

Essence Soul Sista TE - Totally Retro Nude (shade)
Essence Soul Sista TE - Totally Retro Nude (shade)

Both shades are unproblematic as long as I use thicker layers.

Did you get anything from this collection? Maybe brush or bronzer?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

14 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Essence Soul Sista TE”

  1. Iz te kolekcije sem si kupila samo Green Mojito, pa še za tega sem precej cincala. Šimer mi je namreč bil blaaaazno všeč v steklenički, sumila pa sem, da se ne bo videl na nohtih. Na koncu sem ga kar vzela in še dobro da sem ga, ker je res čudovit odtenek. :)

    • LOL – didn’t see that one coming from you. :biggrin: It’s not bad nude polish at all, I must say I liked it on me too. :yes:


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