Aaahhhh – my darling Maestra found full Essence Snow White trend edition stand so I have ALL Snow White nail polishes! I was scared that Snow White would be left without one of her dwarfs … or prince charming or evil queen … :D
I wanted this trend edition because of the theme, after all Snow White is one of the rare fairy tales where main character is not blond. But in the end I was pleasantly surprised by quite a few of the shades. Let’s start with my favorites.
Essence Snow White is one of those reds that you immediately identify as something special. This is first red nail polish after Illamasqua Throb that I can say it was crush at first sight. It’s more to the cool side, but for some reason becomes slightly warmer in strong light. Formula was great, possibly one-coater if you don’t mind visible nail line … which is slightly seen even after second coat.

My second love is Essence Grumpy. What can I tell you except it’s perfect electric blue shade with good formula. As this belongs into category of slightly thicker and highly pigmented nail polishes, you can use only one coat for full coverage … if you’re careful that is. 2 coats + top coat.

Pair Grumpy with Essence Prince Charming and you get drop dead gorgeous combo of electric blue base with 2 coats of blue and holographic glitter.

Essence Sleepy doesn’t look really sleepy to me, more like great spring/summer base. Color is on of those tricky shades that look more greenish one moment as bluish the next. Essence added as fine as dust shimmer, but it doesn’t really translate onto the nails. 2 coats.

Essence Dopey is another almost pastel like shade and this one is also “moody” – it can be more purple or blue. Formula was sheer, so I used 2 thicker layers + top coat.

Essence Bashful is another Snow White TE polishes with identity crisis. :D Only this time it’s how green is the base. Sometimes it looks like somebody put grayed out layer over it and sometimes it look a lot more rich green. Shimmer is lovely – I just with those tiny tiny flakes were larger.

I found all toppers to be slightly problematic … with Prince Charming being the best one. I think it’s the clear base they used to suspend glitter in + lots of huge chunks of glitter. I had hard time placing the glitter onto the nails as majority got stuck on the brush. I had to pat the glitter on and then arrange it by toothpick.
Essence The Huntsman topper is not special to me because of it’s gold hexagons. What cough my eye were strange glitter particles that looked like plastic duochromes(?). I wish Essence would shred those paricles in smaller pieces and mad topper just with those beauties. 2 coats over Snow White.

Essence Evil Queen was my least favorite topper. I simply did not like anything about it – glitter was too big, application not easy … 2 coats over Dopey.

Essence Doc is nice orange shade. Not too orange and not too overpowering. I quite liked it. Thick and pigmented formula allows for one coat for full coverage. 2 coats + top coat.

Essence Sneezy and Happy did not make it to my honor roll – I didn’t like either one. Happy leans to much to ocher side and Sneezy is not my kind of brown.

- 1,69 EUR for 5ml (0.16 fl.oz.) bottle
- 2,19 EUR for 10ml (0.33 fl.oz.) Special Effect topper
- Snow White – 1,89 EUR
Video review:
Which one is your favorite from Essence Snow White trend edition … and does anybody actually like last two nail polishes?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
I just got sleepy today and it bubbles like crazy, I can’t get it to go on smoothly, did this happen for you?
Kje se jih v Ljubljani sploh še dobi? :nervous:
Mogoče v kakšni Tuševi drogeriji? Punce mi pravijo, da je precej izropano.
Nice video! Great choice of polishes for the give away. I also liked Snow White and Sleepy. Too bad that the glitter in Evil Queen is to big.
Tokrat sodelujem med zadnjimi :rose:
Hvala punce!
I love Grumpy too, but it’s sold out in Croatia :(
I really like Grumpy, great shade :)
Thanks for this giveaway
Wonderful giveway!
Super giveaway! :yes:
prvi dio lakića, sve do The Huntsman bih rado imala, ostatak mi nije ništa posebno… sramota što kolekcija ne dolazi u hrvatsku :angry:
Joooj, Sleepy je krasen! :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorites are Prince Charming and The Huntsman :yes:
Grumpy is such a gorgeous shade of blue! I haven’t been able to find a single polish from the Snow White collection yet. :(
Thanks for the giveaway!
Evil Queen je zanimiv…
Dopey je božanstven!
Dopey :stars:
res je luštna kolekcija, sem vesela da sem dobila nalepke :) lakce pa od vas, ane :P
I like all of them…ok, the Essence Evil Queen is a little bit strange….but I like it too, less than the other but like :)
Looove the blue of grumpy – perhaps a more attainable alternative to RBL’s IKB 2012?! And I don’t think happy is tooo bad but I prefer yellower yellows…they seems happier to me! I wouldn’t wear sneezy but I’m not very into browns anyway…
Lovely swatches, thank you!
želim ih sve :) :wub:
Meni se svidjaju svi osim Huntsman-a.. :wub: :wub:
Meni je najbolj všeč Dopey :yes:
My favorites are Sleepy and Grumpy.
Meni sta pa najlepša Snow White in Grumpy :wink:
Thanks for this giveaway!!
It´s an amazing collection and I want it all!!:P
Men je eden izmed favoritov dopey, res enkratna sivka z bleščicami :)) :wub:
Praktično vsi palčki so mi všeč, ampak itak vsi vemo, katera najlepša v deželi je tej :crown: .
I love Grumpy!
They’re all so pretty!!
jaz sem si privoščila rumenega, oranžnega in zelenega :) najbolj sem pa bila excited za Dopey ampak sem potem videla, da so kar vidne bleščice in ga zato pustila v trgovini :)
Sleepy and Evil Quuen are the most beautiful! :)
Zelo lepa kolekcija :wub:
Jaz sem dobila princa in lovca in sem ful vesela z obema :thumb: glitter ftw ;)
No in kljub temu, da princa imam, sem vseeno poskušala srečo z nagradno igro xD
I love the last one!!!
uuu, čisto vsaka barva je čudovita!
I love Grumpy and Dopey, right now blues r my thing!
Prince Charming i Grumpy su definitivno nesto sto mi treba u kolekciji :drool: a ne bi se bunila ni na Dopey-a i Evil Queen :haha:
I love this collection!!!! And I love all Essence products generally!!
Thanks for the chance!!!
I like this colection! :drool: It is perfect for my nails :love:
Hi! Great giveaway! I really like this collection, very unfortunate this collection doesn’t come to the Netherlands… Thanks for giving a few polishes away :)
I’m waiting for this collection to arrive here, but I don’t think I’d buy all polishes (even if I love complete LE). for sure I’ll be trying to get Bashful (my fav) and Dopey ;-)
I LOVE Sneezy!!! It’s my type of taupe brown and I think the glitter looks great! I’m not so keen on Happy though, because I have a couple of those ochre/mustard yellows already (to be ‘edgy’, not!!) and do not want any more!
Meni se Snow White baš dopada. Mislim da devojka ne može imati previše crvenih lakova za nokte. A od ova dva koja se tebi nisu svidela – braon ne volim sem u obliku prave čokolade, a Happy mi je zanimljiv. Šteta što ova kolekcija neće stići u Srbiju :angry:
I love this collection! Here in Italy it hasn’t come yet… :angry: I’m glad you don’t like the last 2, I really like Sneezy! :-)
There’s a lot to like here–Dopey is my favorite, but if Essence sent this over here, I’d no doubt be zooming from store to store trying to collection them all. :)
I like the Huntsman!
I really like Dopey and Prince Charming
Oh my gosh *.* meni so lakci ful všeč :happy:
Meni je vseeno kakšni so odtenki, ko sem izvedela za tole LE, sem si takoj obljubila, da bom dobila vse, ni važno kako grdi so. :biggrin: :sigh: Drugače so mi pa favoriti Sleepy, Dopey in seveda Grumpy. :nails: Happy je red malo preveč senf-ast, Happy pa ni tako slab. :blush: Je pa ime malce sfaljeno. Rjava nikakor ni vesela barva. :biggrin:
I love them all, and yes I do like Sneezy and Doc!
I really like this collection, if only it would come in the netherlands..
I am loving Prince Charming. And yes, I like Sneezy and Happy. I like those types of ugly shades! :)
thank you i love this collection :)
I really like Grumpy, Dopey and Happy! :wub:
I found the full display as well and went a bit crazy :wink: . I passed on the glitter toppers because I had a sneaky suspition they won’t behave on the nails. They look amazing in the bottle though.
I actually do like Happy, it’s my current mani, lol. All in all I think these have an amazing formula (all of the ones I got are one coaters) and I just love them.
Thanks for the giveaway, all the colors look great!
Such pretty colors!! No idea if this LE collection will come to Greece, so please count me in :rose:
Grumpy and Prince Charming are amazing together! All in all I’m surprized by the collection, I thought it’d be just plain creme polishes. Dopey is cute :flirt:
wooow they looks soooo pretty, me love it <3
These look so Pretty!!!! I love Sleepy ♥
Grumpy is a great blu, good choise!
Grumpy is a great blu! Good choise!
I really love your swatches! I have a few friends trying to find these! ^_^ they are beautiful!
Grumpy and Prince Charming are the most beautiful! *_*
Vsi so srčkani :wub:
Grumpy, Snow White, Sleepy in Bashful so definitivno favoriti. In tudi princ je zelo charming :wink:
Snow White pa Grumpy! Bo treba hitvo v dm! :) Upam da je še kaj ostalo!
Love the colors, especially Grumpy))
Grumpyyy!!! <3<3<3<3 Sem brala na nekih blogih, da naj ne bi bil blazno pigmentiran?? Happy to hear and see a second opinion! :happy:
plavi mi je najljepši i jedva čekam ga kupiti ako ga ulovim!!
Vijoličen mi izgleda super in prijetno sem presenečena tudi nad zelenim in kraljevsko modrim odtenkom
Super kolekcija, ampak je bila povsod zelo hitro pobrana :/
V DM in TUŠ drogerijah tudi? :shock:
Menda ja
Sneezy se mi ne zdi tako slab :P Vsekakor, mislila sem da bo Dopey moj najljubši, vendar kombinacijo, ki nosim trenutno, Sleepy in Prince Charming, je res fantastična :)
Vsekakor, zelo mi je všeč ta LE, bravo Essence.
lp :D
Če ga primerjam s Happy, je absolutni zmagovalec. :biggrin:
Grumpy and Snow White are my favourites too!!! Absolutely gorgeous!
Jaz sem kar nekaj časa stala pred stojalom in se odločala… Potem sem vzela Prince charming, Grumpy, Doc in Happy. Zaenkrat sem preizkusila le Grumpy-ja in se mi zdi odličen. Se mi pa Happy (rumen) tudi zdi obetaven. :)
Po tem, ko sem pogledala te tvoje slikice, pa bom danes skočila še po Sleepy, Dopey in Bashful… Če je sploh še kaj ostalo.
LOL – Happy pa meni nikakor ne potegne. Bo šel na zadnjo stopničko na stojalu. :biggrin:
No, zdaj me pa prav firbec matra in ga bom sprobala danes zvečer. Poročam… Upam, da ne bom razočarana.
No, meni je zelo lep. :)
Res čudovita kolekcija… :wub: Pa ful maš že dolge in lepe nohtke… :stars:
A veš s kakšnim užitkom si jih bom danes skrajšala? :biggrin:
Sprva sem se te kolekcije zelo veselila, potem pa me noben ni preveč prepričal. Ampak vseeno bosta Sneguljčica in Zaspanko odšla z mano, če ju le najdem kje :nails:
Torej imamo še eno ljubiteljico rjavkota? :biggrin:
I love that you chose Grumpy for giveaway, since that is the shade I like the most from this collection =)
love dopey the best :D
but i like the last two aswell :)
dislike the big chunky glitter one though :/
Grumpy :wub:
upam, da pri nas še niso pokupili vseh lakov, ter da me rdeči in modri še čakata na polički ;)
DMi in TUŠ drogerije počasi dobivajo to kolekcijo, tako da bi vse morale dobiti želene lakce. :thumb:
The toppers are not appealing to me, the ones I love the most are Dopey and Bashful :)
kot vedno lepi swatchi! l.e. je ful lušna – sicer zadnja dva laka ne bi nikoli dala na nohte :whistle: ostali so pa ful lepi. Upam,da bo sreča na moji strani,kar se giveawaya tiče :ahug:
I love this collection! Usually I’m not that crazy about the Essence TE’s but this one is great. Wish I could get these here. I have a friend who can get Essence for me but I’m not sure if she’ll find them. Would love to win the blue ones as they are definitely my favorites. Great giveaway!
I love the swatches Deff going to check out the essence stand today (: