Essence going away products – fall 2012

Hope your Catrice wish list are updated and you’re ready to start making Essence ones as the assortment change is just around the corner.

Today I have for you promo photos of Essence products that are leaving their regular stands. That usually means that they’re almost sold out and are on sale. So this is probably your last chance to buy one these Essence products.

Let’s start with nail polishes. Essence is revamping whole Colour&Go line so ALL of their minis are history.

Essence going away products - fall 2012 - Colour&Go nail polishes

Essence going away products - fall 2012 - Colour&Go nail polishes Essence going away products - fall 2012 - Colour&Go nail polishes

Essence is discontinuing few other nail related items like silver stampy (I recommend it), white crackling nail polish (dislike), 02 magnetics …

Essence going away products - fall 2012 - nails

… stickers, dotting tool …

Essence going away products - fall 2012 - nail art

We’re getting new eyeshadows so some of the old ones have to go … along with eyeliners, quattro’s, my darling Stay all day long cream eyeshadows …

Essence going away products - fall 2012 - eyeshadows Essence going away products - fall 2012 - eyeshadows, eyeliners

They’re also retiring few lipsticks, lip glosses, lip tints …

Essence going away products - fall 2012 - lipsticks, lipglosses

And Pure Skin products:

Essence going away products - fall 2012 - Pure Skin

Essence going away products - fall 2012 - Pure Skin

Tell me – are you stocking up on retiring products or saving your money for the new ones?

*photos for collages courtesy of Essence

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “Essence going away products – fall 2012”

  1. Vem da mi ne bo prav nič hudo za belim cracklom – mogoče sem samo jaz naletela na neprimerno skladiščen lak ali pa so vsi tako slabe kvalitete. Moj sploh ne napoka, še tiste razpoke, ki pa slučajno nastanejo, so malček “umazane” od laka, ki se ni pravilno umaknil.

  2. Hvala za tale pregled in po tehtnem premisleku, menim, da se lahko poslovim od starih in že pričakujem nove stvari :wink:

  3. Hvala za informacijo! Mislim, da čisto nobene reči ne bom kupila (na zalogo). Kar sem mislila, sem verjetno že nabavila. Niča pa ni takega, brez česar ne bi mogla živeti. Šparam denarce za novosti. :yes:

  4. ja stedim za novitete, jedino sto sam htjela imat back up je blue addicted i to sam nabavila ima vec neko vrijeme, ovo ostalo mi nije dovoljno zanimljivo, doduse mozda ako mi nesto bas zapne za oko na snizenju uzmem :silly:

  5. Arghhh, I love Essence but I hate it when they decide to discontinue most of their products. Like my fav mascara :devil:
    Now, from these beauties, I like the pro white nail polishes, they help me with yellow-ish nails, the lipsticks and nude lipglosses. Are they removing the cream eyeshadows too? Why? I though they’d make more colors!
    With all the limited editions and the discontinued products my wallet won’t be happy soon LOL

  6. Mogoče bom nabavila kakšno šminko, saj ukinjajo “moj” odtenek št. 55. Me pa prav zanima, če bo med novimi odtenki lakov, tudi kakšen “dvojček” tistih iz stare kolekcije. :wink:


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