What does the press release say about the newest limited edition by Catrice called Cucuba?
Carribean, Havana, salsa, warm brown, yellow, coral, mint … nice promo photos … I couldn’t wait to see the collection in person. Last Friday I spotted the collection in my local drugstore and the display was practically untouched. Yay, lucky me! I have to tell you, everything looked tempting on the display. The packaging so nice and the color inviting. I chose five products.
Soft Lip Colour in the shade C01 Salsa Cabana lipstick is a coral lipstick with shimmer. The finish is very glossy.
Liquid Shimmer Eye liner in the shade C02 Reggaeton is a dark brown eye liner with gold shimmer that is almost invisible on the lid. It has a nice and precise pointed brush as an applicator. It’s a very good eye liner. Love it! If it would be waterproof it would be perfect.
Loose Eye Shadow in C01 Sunny Side is a golden loose eye shadow which is very sparkly and glittery. I actually love it! You can use it wet or dry. Swatch below show the eyeshadow dry without a base (left), dry with an eyeshadow base (middle) and foiled (right).
A couple of quick tips on application of loose eyeshadows: Use a flat brush that is not too fluffy. Lay the eyeshadow down on your lid. Try to avoid blending as much as possible.
I had to try the eyeshadow, the eyeliner and the lipstick immediately. Here is the look I did. (btw. The darker eyeshadow is Catrice – Plum Up The Jam – new eyeshadow. ;)).
Next are two nail polishes.
C02 Reggaeton is a dark brown with cool tiny silver (maybe even multicolor) shimmer. Such a lovely dark brown. Love it!
I just had to try, how this one would look like with a matte top coat. I haven’t put a matte top coat over a nail polish in a very very … very long time, but this time I had a feeling that I would look cool. Maybe like leather. There’s Essence Matte top coat on my ring finger and others there’s the Artdeco matte top coat.
Next is the shimmery orange shade called C01 Sunny Side. It’s kind of jelly with shimmer and that’s why it’s also a bit sheer even with two coats, which is what I’m wearing in the photos below.
I like both colors, I just don’t like the ridiculously big bushy brush. Ever since they changed it I don’t like it. I like the old flat brush much much better! I want it back!
I want to finish my part of this review post with a konadicure I did with the Cucuba nail polishes and an Essence image plate. I wish that the brown polish would be more pigmented …
These are the five products that I bought and Gejba has one more to show you.
I was surprised to see how lovely was Catrice Cucuba Take It Mint nail polish to apply. I bought it because I like mint polishes (like I don’t already have enough of them), but I expected the formula to be chalky one. I was completely blown away when I had no problems with application … maybe this (Cu)Cuba polish likes tropical temperatures we’re currently having. :D I used 2 coats + top coat.
You ask a lot how alike are my mint shades and I’m constantly saying – but they look nothing alike (sign of the true nail polish addiction ). I gathered few you were wondering about or that I found interesting and took grope photo … and I still think they’re not dupes. :D These are the shades that I chose: Collistar Mint Milk, Flormar 424, Essence Did Someone Say Nude, Avon Aqua Fantasy, L’Oreal 602, Alessandro Peppermint Patty
Thank you Gejba for your contribution. ;)
What do you think? Is there anything from the collection on your wish list? Or did you maybe buy anything yet from the collection?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Waaaaaw. Minty in rjav lak sta božaaanska. Žal sem prišla na že izropano stojalo, in nisem uspela ujeti nobenega izmed njiju. Maestra – pohvale za uporabo mat nadlaka – izdelek je res super :thumb:
Slike s stvojim make-upom so fantastične in čisto po mojem okusu in šminka na tvojih ustnicah izgleda kot pigmentiran gloss, kar mi je zelo všeč.
Me pa zanima kaj si mislila s tem, da je eye liner na veki neviden, a je precej tekoč in posledičnobolj bled? Meni je všeč ker je rjav in zato malce manj opazen kot pa če bi bil črn.
Pa da še pokomentiram lake. Barve se lepo skladajo s kolekcijo, ampak me ni nobena presenetila le tale rjav odtenek mi je na tvojih swatchih fantastičen in upam, da ga dobim in bo potem moj prvi rjavi odtenek v zbirki lakov :wink:
Sve je lijepo ali mene je odmah osvojilo sjenilo, ne znam zašto patim na zlatne nijanse u zadnje vrijeme :wub:
This collection looks fantastic!! The sad thing is that Catrice LEs always come too late :/
Regards, x
Jaz sem si tudi v živo ogledala zadeve, pa mi nobena ni padla v oči. Sem upala na šminke, pa so kar nekaj :ermm:
there’s no such thing as too much nail polish :love:
this LE isn’t really my taste, but i do really like that lip colour!
the dark brown polish is really pretty too, unfortunatly i don’t like brown with my skintone..
they look NOTHING alike!! :D
OMG, kako fantastičen look si ustvarila! Sploh ga nisem mogla nehat gledat, noro lepo. Zdaj mi je pa TAKO žal, da tega pigmentka nisem vzela s seboj, nimam nič takega doma. :/ Stojalce je bilo ob mojem obisku tako na pol izropano, ampak nekaj stvari bi se pa še našlo, pa me nič ni premamilo dovolj, da bi kupila. Mimogrede, eno zgolj rahlo povezano vprašanje na temo: kako ustvariš moker nanos s pigmentom? Enkrat sem poskusila z mineralnim senčilom ustvarit eyeliner črto pa je bilo obupno. :/
Evo, danes pa moram pokomentirat tale tvoj look še enkrat. :) Danes ga nosim drugič in sem čisto zaljubljena. :wub: Na koncu me je pigmentek počakal, mislim, da sem se ene trikrat uprla in odkorakala ven iz Mullerja brez njega, potem ko sem ga videla že po tednih od izdaje LE, sem ga pa končno kupila in še dobro da sem ga. Obožujem ga. Trenutno sem še vedno tako zaljubljena v to tvojo kombinacijo, da niti nisem še začela iskati nove kombinacije, ampak itak je perfektna. Sicer uporabljam temno copper rjavo namesto temne Catrice, ki jo imaš ti, ampak je podoben look in ga obožujem. Če odkriješ še kakšno kombinacijo, se že veselim objave, do takrat pa: hvala za tole odkritje. :love:
I like Reggaeton with the Artdeco matte top coat, it does look like leather :thumb: I haven’t used matte top coat for ages!
i haven’t thought it through but i doubt it will arrive to poland anyways ;)
or it will arrive and i will stumble upon it i should say..
Jaz sem v Mariboru prav tako naletela na polno stojalo, a me nič ni tako zelo pritegnilo, da bi kaj dejansko kupila, kar je čudež pri Catrice LE :)) tvoj makeup pa je, kot vedno, čudovit, Maestra :)