Video review of Catrice spring 2013 new products

We were very excited to get a chance to test few of the new Catrice products for spring 2013. As I already said in the preview post, I liked the idea behind few of their new products and was ecstatic when I actually got few of them for testing (magically there is more room now on my I need WL for new Catrice nail polishes ).

Catrice spring 2013 assortment change products
Catrice spring 2013 assortment change products

Maestra will be testing the “creative” part of the package, while I’ll be doing reviews off the more “classic” part.
I tested all of new Catrice products and compared them with few of the new Essence products. You can see what are my first impressions in the bellow video.

My plan is to review BB foundation first as I tested it the most, but I’m also open to you suggestions.

Catrice BB foundation review

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

11 thoughts on “Video review of Catrice spring 2013 new products”

    • V SLO je pri meni za 1x načrtovana samo “basics” serija. Samo se moram odločit ali bi jih dala na svoj kanal, če bo voice-over …
      Če bi imela kakšen fajn mikrofon niti ne bi bil hud problem naresti voice over – ampak s temi, ki jih imam doma izpadem kot Darth Vader. Voice-over s kamero pa vzame toliko časa, da obupam vmes. :blush:

  1. paleta i mene najvise zanima, kao i camouflage cream, doduse ne svidja mi se ovo da se uvlaci u borice, ne treba mi nesto sto ce ih jos isticat (iako nisam jos dosla do 30 :silly: )

    • I’m glad you like at least something. :biggrin:
      In my eyes it would be weird if I had blue skin, but as it usually shows it in either more white, yellow or slightly green color – weirdish it is. For pink-ish, yellow-ish … I get bored with repeating green-yellow, yellow leaning to green side, yellow with hint of green and I just say yellowish = KISS. :zip:

    • Jo zavzeto testiram. :biggrin: Jutri jo nanesem še čez obe bazi, nekajkrat preizkusim v težavnejših pogojih, potem bo pa tudi ta review nared. :cute:


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