Project foundation: Bourjois Healthy Mix liquid foundation (new, 2013)

Bourjois relaunched their Healthy Mix range couple of weeks ago. Healthy balance pressed powder got new packaging, Touche Healthy Mix concealer boasts with new brush, while liquid foundation received new packaging and formula.

We received liquid foundationfew weeks ago, so I managed to test it quite thoroughly. But as I bought other two products only last week, they’ll have to wait for separate review.

Bourjois Healty Mix new 2013 liquid foundation + INCI
Bourjois Healty Mix new 2013 liquid foundation with ingredients

Manufacturers description

Healthy glow, hydrated and luminous skin up to 16 hours.


Fresh glow without obvious shimmer.


Medium (can be light if you have flake-free skin).


Not too runny or thick, easy to work with. Like majority or Bourjois foundations, this one also has faint fruity smell that disappears quickly from my skin.


The only problem I had with application was combination of stippling method with one pump of a Healthy Mix foundation. It wasn’t streaky, but flakes were really obvious. Hands, Beauty Blender (and its Essence counterpart), Real Techniques Expert Brush … everything worked well.


New bottle is replica of Bourjois 1,2,3 foundation – glass, with pump. It’s somewhat heavier from plastic bottle of old Healthy mix version, but cutter.


~14 EUR in Slovenia.

Swatch and comparison

Thanks to our distributor, I have for you swatch of new Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation + comparison off 3 lightest shades: 51 Light Vanilla, 52 Vanilla, 53 Light Beige.

As soon as the weather became more swatch friendly, I re-shot the swatches. These are way more color accurate, but still not perfect.

Bourjois Healty Mix 2013 liquid foundation: 51, 52, 53 swatch comparison (shade)
Bourjois Healthy Mix 2013 liquid foundation: 51, 52, 53 swatch comparison (shade)
Bourjois Healty Mix 2013 liquid foundation: 51, 52, 53 swatch comparison (sun)
Bourjois Healthy Mix 2013 liquid foundation: 51, 52, 53 swatch comparison (sun)

And as I own 4 Bourjois liquid foundations in shade 51 Light Vanilla, I made comparison of those too. I compared new Healthy Mix, old Healthy Mix, Healthy Mix Serum and 1,2,3 foundations. I still haven’t bought Flower Perfection as that one has the strongest coverage and I stay away from those, but it could be good for concealing, so I still have it on my wish list.
Swatch was made in shade.

Bourjois Healty Mix: old, new, Serum, 1,2,3 comparison of shade 51 Light Vanilla
Bourjois Healthy Mix: old, new, Serum, 1,2,3 comparison of shade 51 Light Vanilla

If I stick with old vs. new Healthy Mix comparison. On me, old version never looked right on its own. I get flake skin all over and finally effect is dull, obviously powdered skin. Either some ingredient combination or specific ingredient is causing problems. If I mix it with other foundations, finish is OK.
New Healthy Mix has glowing look to it, pretty much same staying power and transfer as the old one. Maybe little bit less coverage and is easier to apply.
They’re not the same color-wise, but are good match for me never the less (new one is lighter than shown in swatch). New HM is more yellow right after applying it, but it slightly oxidized into more beige shade.


To me, this is a cross between old Healthy Mix and Healthy Mix Serum with added glow. I liked the amount of coverage it gives me, because skin still looks like my skin and not something artificial. I do need concealer for odd spots, but so far it covered redness well.
I powder over the zone I don’t want to be glowing, which at the same time prolongs wear on my oily skin.
Color-wise this becomes almost perfect match after it slightly oxidizes. It looks more yellowish right after application, but quickly becomes more yellow-beige like.

Would I recommend it?

If you have yellow undertone and wish for nice foundation with glow effect, then you should at least check out new Healthy Mix foundation.

Have you already tried out new Bourjois Healthy Mix liquid foundation? Do you like it more or less than old one?

UPDATE: I made new – more realistic swatches. Here are the old ones:

Bourjois Healty Mix 2013 liquid foundation: 51, 52, 53 swatch

Bourjois Healty Mix 2013 liquid foundation: 51, 52, 53 swatch

*we received new Healthy Mix liquid foundations for review from Bourjois Slovenija

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

8 thoughts on “Project foundation: Bourjois Healthy Mix liquid foundation (new, 2013)”

  1. Thank for great and helpful review!
    I am really upset that new healthy mix foundation in shade 51 looks much darker than the old version of healthy mix. Or maybe it is just your picture?
    I used the old healthy mix foundation in 51 which was a perfect match for me, but now it is replaced with this new one which looks much darker :ermm:

    • It’s not much darker – slightly so and on me more to the beige side. We’re having pretty crappy weather here at the moment, so swatches are what they are. :sigh: I hope I’ll be able to make better ones as soon as we finally get spring.

      Most of the darkness comes from oxidation – I have same problems with majority of new HE foundations. Little bit too thick of a layer and bum – dark, orange … and no such problems with face application. :think:

    • Večina novih HE podlag + nekatere Bourjois na meni v debelejši plasti takoj oksidirajo. Na obrazu seveda nimam napleskane fasade, tako da je mogoče celo malo bolj rumena takoj po nanosu, za swatch pa potrebujem debelejšo plast, da se sploh kaj vidi in pridejo ven pretemne barve . :roll:
      Pri meni je sicer št. 51 bež-rumena po oksidaciji, 53 pa logično bolj temna in oranžna.

      Razlika med novo in staro verzijo je, ampak minimalna. Obstojnost&co. sem testirala z novo podlago na eni strani in staro na drugi strani obraza, pa je bila največja razlika v sijaju, barva ni hudo odstopala. Mogoče bi bila večja razlika, če bi uporabljala debelejše plasti podlage. :think:

  2. Bi preizkusila, ampak res izgleda temn. Res škoda. No, sigurno ga bom sprobala, ko mi zmanjka Healthy mix seruma, ki ga imam zdaj v uporabi (gre zelo počasi, ker imam še 3 druge tekoče pudre).

    • Si ti tudi 51? Na obrazu ni hude razlike v svetlosti, le podton na meni postane malo bolj “bež”.
      Tole oksidiranje pri swatchih je res problem – tako je Touche Éclat takoj odpadel, ko sem preizkusila tester v trgovini. Sem potrebovala več kot pol leta, da sem ugotovila, da je problem v oksidaciji pri predebeli plasti … kar seveda potrebujem pri swatchih. :undecided:

    • I just hope I didn’t forget about to many things I still wanted to say. But I was writing this for more than a week so it was high time to publish it, :biggrin:


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