Essence Ticket To Paradise LE

Essence Ticket To ParadiseNow this limited edition I will always rememberer – not necessarily by the products but the way I bought them. I was in Muller shopping with my better half, when I spotted Essence Ticket To Paradise and Catrice Matchpoint. I knew I wanted to have two things from Matchpoint, but I didn’t even want to go near Ticket To Paradise. Lately I managed to acquire whole shelf of product I really want to review, not mention whole rack of still unswatched and even more horrifying, unworn polishes. Add to the mix lack of space for all the new things and you’ll understand why I seriously did not want to buy more nail polishes. But my darling asked me like 5 times if I was really sure that I didn’t want to check out new LE as I’m not likely to bump into in again and I caved in. Yes – it was really hard to tempt me into checking out the stand … not.

And you know what – I loved both nail polishes. I could easily live without cream eyeshadow, but nail polishes … pure perfection. Finally new Essence nail polishes that are easy to apply, have nice brush, interesting colors … and my absolute favorite, they didn’t bubble even in major heat under drafty conditions. Maybe that is the answer – apply newer Essence nail polish in 35°C (95°F)? :D

Essence Dive With Me To The Island is one really gorgeous nail polish in mint-ish shade. It’s absolutely no surprise that color would appeal to me, but I was unsure about formula. But boy did I love it. It’s not full coverage, but not sheer either. I guess jelly would be the closest finish match, but not 100% accurate either. 2 coats look just about perfect to me – formula and color wise. BTW in this post we are playing game called – we’re all pretending not to notice Gejba’s lousy application.

Essence Ticket To Paradise - Dive with me to the island
Essence Ticket To Paradise – Dive with me to the island (swatch)

Essence Tropical Heat I bought as combo nail polish for Dive With Me To The Island. They looked so cute together and I just couldn’t leave goldy behind even if it’s not really my color. This is very sheer shade and as you can see it doesn’t have full coverage even after 3 coats. Tiny shimmer gives it nice foil finish, application was easy and all of that good stuff I already mentioned.

Essence Ticket To Paradise - Tropical Heat
Essence Ticket To Paradise-Tropical Heat (shade)
Essence Ticket To Paradise - Tropical Heat
Essence Ticket To Paradise-Tropical Heat (sun)

But all that sheerness came really hand for layering – just look at this pretty combo made with Dive With Me To The Island and one layer of  Tropical Heat.

Essence Ticket To Paradise - Dive with me to the island + Tropical Heat layering
Essence Ticket To Paradise – Dive with me to the island + Tropical Heat layering


Essence Tropical Heat cream eyeshadow I bought just because I always skip on this kind of not really opaque and sparkly formula and I said to myself, “What the heck, let’s see if I still have this kind of eyeshadow.” Conclusion – yeah, I still don’t like it. And stying power was not really good on my super oily eyelids.

Essence Ticket To Paradise - Tropical Heat eyeshadow
Essence Ticket To Paradise – Tropical Heat eyeshadow swatch

Are other two nail polishes also good? Now I’m tempted to hunt them down just to see if they have the same formula as green one. :D

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “Essence Ticket To Paradise LE”

  1. Jaz sem kupila le oba svinčnika za ustnice, ostalim izdelkom sem se odpovedala. Me je mikal mint, ampak sva z dragim ugotovila, da imam že preveč podobnih odtenkov. Ostali pa mi niso bili nič posebnega, čeprav moram reči, da mi je zlat na tebi všeč. :)

    • Priznam – pri mint lakih očitno nimam zavore in jih vedno kupim kljub temu, da imam ziher (vsaj po odtenku) kaj podobnega že v zbirki. :blush:

  2. Cute polishes! But do NOT get the lipglosses from this collection. Not only they are sheer, they also have the worst taste ever! Almost made me puke.


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