In the last Essence assortment change, they launched few new magnetic nail art products: 2 magnetic nail polishes (Witch You Were Here, Witches Come True), 4 magnets with different kind of pattern (Fancy Edge, Cute Star, Magic Stripes, Cool Wave) and magnet pen.
I played around with Essence Witch You Were Here polish, magnetic pen and Fancy Edge magnet.

I know I always complain about something – too week magnet, not enough of iron particles in nail polish … But I’m happy to say that this time Essence got it right. Only thing I’m not completely sold about is straight magnet as they don’t work as well as slightly curved ones on my nails, but as magnet is strong enough I’m still pretty satisfied with the effect.
Essence Magnetic Pen + Witch You Were Here
This was my first free hand magnetic nail art attempt … and it looks like it too. :D Patterns are a lot more pronounced in real life, but were really hard to capture on photo. Dots were my favorite (no, the world is not ending ) as the finally effect was almost 3D looking manicure. I was to far away from the surface with pen though. You can get even closer that with regular magnet which I then tested on waves and line. Oh, yeah – those came out a lot stronger, but for the pattern itself I still prefer regular magnet. I’ll stick with pen for dots, swirls and such.

Essence Fancy Edge magnet + Witch You Were Here
First off – I liked Witch You Were Here nail polish because of its gorgeous color and pretty shimmer. Magnetic properties were just an added bonus. You can see how it looks on its own in the above photo.
Magnet and nail polish worked together like a charm – no problems what so ever. Just don’t be as impatient as I was and wait for it to dry little bit before you apply top coat.

I still have Cool Wave magnet on my WL. What about you – anyone still interested in magnetic nail polishes?
*magnets were sent to me for review by Essence Slovenia
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
res me zanima kaj je dragi počel z magnetnim svinčnikom :whistle:
Preveč se je igračkal, pa mu je padel na tla – direktno s konico. :ccc: Lahko si misliš, da je težko uporabiti magnetni svinčnik, ki ima magnet čisto zarit v ogrodje. :biggrin:
Jaaa, magnetni laki so zakon, vendar jih še vedno večinoma uporabljam brez magneta, ker so mi preprosto všeč magnetni delci, ki izgledajo kot ‘shimmer’
Lol – se lahko samo strinjam glede kompleksnosti magnetnih lakov. Zagotovo eni lepših. :nails:
Ispuhali su me malo magnetski, ali lijepa mi je boja sama po sebi ako nista :D :yes:
Boja je i meni sjela u srce. :wub:
Kakšna krasna barva! Tegale bi bilo vredno kupiti tudi kar tako, kot “navadnega”. Se mi pa zdi ideja magnetnega svinčnika genialna.
Definitivno – pa še proge niso moteče, tako da se ga brez težav uporablja samostojno. :thumb:
baš me zanimalo kako ova olovka radi, hvala na informaciji :thumb:
Im a bit over the magnetic nail polishes, except for one Layla one that I love and wear from time to time :)
I still buy them as they’re usually good for stamping and I see them as 2in1 goodies. :biggrin:
Ovaj novi lak deluje baš zanimljivo, morski.
I dalje volim magnetne lakove, ali sam sada više zainteresovana za različite šare magneta. Preskočila sam sve nove Essence magnete jer mi nisu dovoljno zanimljivi.
Možda će ti biti zanimljivo, Candy Glaze je napravila tačkice koristeći običan prugasti magnet. Meni se svideo efekat.
Ja sam nakupila već toliko magneta, da mora biti stvarno poseban, da kupim novog. :biggrin: Hvala za info – pogledati ću što je napravila. :rose: