What – new Catrice assortment change is already here?!? Awwww – come on, I still have to write bunch of reviews about spring products. :D
I very carefully opened promotional photos and secretly hoped they would be full of uninteresting products. As you probably guessed, it didn’t go well and I ended up with half of new fall 2013 Catrice products on my wish list.
There are only 6 new nail polishes (2,59 EUR) and one of them is top coat (I’m all for gel like look) so I don’t feel bad about wanting all of them.
Blush tint for cheeks and lips (4,29 EUR), one new powder blush (3,79 EUR), 4 new All Matt Plus – Shine Control liquid foundations (6,79 EUR) + 4 powder foundations (3,79 EUR). Their lightest shades tend to be my match, so I’m looking forward of testing new foundations.
I’m sad that they went with lip balm pens (5,19 EUR) and not lip tints as in Matchpoint LE, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting at least two shades. Who knows, maybe I’ll even give one of the new lipsticks (4,19 EUR) a try.
I only have 2 of their lip liners (2,29 EUR), but I love both. Not sure if need more, but if one or two shades catch my eye, they’ll mysteriously end up in my shopping basket.
Liquid Metal eyeshadows (4,29 EUR)? Do I even want chrome effect on my eyelids? I am curious enough to try one.
As always, their mono eyeshadows (2,89 EUR) tend to be hit or miss, so I’ll wait for the testers to see if any of them boasts with good quality. Highlighters I have have though … all 3 of them.
Mascaras and eyeliners – I’ll see how I like the reviews. :D
See anything worth splurging on?
*individual photos property of Catrice
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
I’m really looking forward to the new polishes. I love the look of Nickel Minaj. We’ll see how they work!
Posebno si želim lakove za nokte, predivne su nijanse.
:wub: :happy:
To je jedino zašto znam, da će biti obavezno moje. :biggrin:
Liquid metal senčke me firbcajo, ampak ne vem, če bom kaj kupila. Nimam več prostora na policah, kar mislim, da je opozorilo tudi s strani pohištva, naj ga že neham biksat. :biggrin:
Eh – jaz naredim vsake toliko čistko, podarim kar ne uporabljam in je vedno prostor za nove izdelke. Samo laki so nekam problematični, ker se nikakor ne morem ločiti od njih, pa se bo treba, če želim še naprej kupovati nove. :angel:
Sem pa videla prve swatche teh senčil – šimrasto, ampak ene 2 odtenka me mikata. :whistle:
jaz sem že nekaj dni nazaj na forumu videla kaj pride novega in se že takrat odločla da HOČEM blush, tekočo podlago in puder v kamnu, če bo kak ok odtenek, kakšno šminko, koliko je odvisno kako bodo zgledale v živo, in pa kak ta -šminka-svinčnik. In zdaj ko sem tole prebrala hočem še highlighter :D
Torej se bova podili za podobnimi zadevami. Na srečo, vsaj pri lakih očitno ne bo gneče. :biggrin:
Jaz sem ful vesela za svinčnike, upam da bodo barve lepe tudi na swatchih :) can’t wait :D
Jaz bi bila ekstatična, če bi bili staini, ampak tudi glos varianto moram sprobat. :biggrin: