Essence Me & my lover nail polish

How come I have jet to write about this beautiful red “liquid/sparkle” sand nail polish from Essence? You know I’m not really into sand effect nail polishes, but when you add glitter to the mix … I’m hoked. :D

Essence Me & my lover nail polish bottle
Essence Me & my lover nail polish bottle

I think I chose this pretty red shade at Essence event. It would make sense as I don’t really have much time for shopping (+ when I do get 5 minutes in front of Essence stand it tends to robbed of the shades I’m looking for ) and I doubt I could have resisted Me & my lover if I saw it in such a lovely environment. Application was not problematic, formula is good pigmentation wise, but drying time could be better. I did manage to wear it for almost whole week without major damage to my manicure, so I’m giving it thumbs up even if slow drying time does annoy me. 2 coats shown in swatch.

Essence Me & my lover nail polish
Essence Me & my lover nail polish

How fast is drying time with other Essence sand nail polishes? I think few other shades would look good on me and I desperately need good staying power at the moment. Little one is learning to stand and my life will never be boring again. :D

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

5 thoughts on “Essence Me & my lover nail polish”

  1. Beautiful! I have it too :). On my nails Essence textured nail polishes dry slower than for example GoldenRose ones :)

  2. Ja imam taj i crni Essence pesak i oba se suše podjednako sporo. Druge kompanije imaju bolje teksturce po mom iskustvu, posebno Golden Rose i Zoya.

  3. Wow, you do need a good manicure if your little one starts walking too! :fju: I honestly am not such a big fan of the essence sand effect shades because they all took forever on me to dry. I prefer the Lóreal or Zoya sand polishes (I have a few colors on my blogsale btw) because they dry fast and are super glittery :D

  4. Essence peščenkoti so mene grozno razočarali. Od dolgega sušenja, do nekakšne čudne bunkaste srukture pa do zelo slabe obstojnosti. No nasplošno so me novi Essence laki razočarali in se jih izognem v velikem krogu. Sem pa noro noro navdušena nad Misslyn laki in imajo nekaj čudovitih pečenkotov :drool: ki se posušijo takoj in na meni ostanejo res res dolgo .


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