Since the beginning of time I had Sahara dry lips. Which is bad by itself, and then I go and forget to drink enough water and to use lip balm on hourly basis and problem escalates to “lips that hurt like hell”. I spent a lot of money and time finding right products for me, so I won’t tell you that what works for me will do the same for you … that would be utopic considering I disagreed with lots of reviews out there.
I can’t really tell you that I have one favorite product and frankly I need all 4 to achieve normal lips. Depending on the state of my chapped lips I’ll choose combination to cure the problem.
Natio Paw Paw lip balm
I came across few makeup enthusiasts who loved Natio Paw Paw lip balm. I had absolutely no clue if the brand was good, never heard of them before to be honest. So I went searching on-line for stores with Natio products and was happy to see that they’re available in HQhair store. Ingredients looked promising, so I bought it.
Paw Paw lip balm turned to be my favorite nighttime lip balm. This was the last (but possibly the most important) step I was lacking in my lip care. It’s perfect blend of wax, oil and butter to make it really nourishing without being to waxy. I use small amount and still wake up with soft lips with product noticeably still on them. If I use this product regularly, my lip problems almost disappear. It feels like it almost heals them during the night or just gives them what they need.
Paw Paw balm is without added scent and has pretty much no taste (it you don’t count the oil flavor ). Felling is a little greasy, but it mainly depends on how much of balm you use.
I did encounter 2 problems though. It really dislikes heat, which was problem in summer time. Oils separated from rest of the formula and I had to keep it refrigerated. Not a huge issue, but it was still annoying. Other thing I disliked was the uneven surface of the applicator. It’s either file it down of use fingers.
Ingredients: Castor (Ricinus Communis) Oil, Beeswax, Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) Oil, Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao) Butter, Carrot (Daucus Carota Sativa) Oil, Papaya (Carica Papaya) Extract, Jojoba (Buxus Chinensis) Oil, Honey, Tocopherol, Stevia (Rebaudiana Bertoni) Extract, Glycerin, Potassium Sorbate.
Price: 7,6 EUR for 20ml (0.68 fl.oz.)

La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Levres repairing lip balm
I adore my LRP Cicaplast Baume B5, so I gave a chance to another Cicaplast range product – their repairing lip balm. This is my daytime savior when thing escalate to patchy lips with top layer of skin already gone from most exposed places. Cicaplast balm creates almost film like layer and contains damage before it gets worse. I also tend to use this balm a lot as preparation for long wearing lipsticks. As it’s more “silicone” than greasy, it rarely clashes with lipstick formulas. As you can see, my tube was well loved and this it the 3rd I bought so far. Applicator is smooth and get the job perfectly done.
Cicaplast Levres gives more satin like look to my lips, tastes little bit sweet and doesn’t really have any kind of noticeable scent.
Price: 5 EUR for 7,5ml

NUXE Reve de Miel lip balm
Maestra already wrote wonderful review of Reve de Miel lip balm, so I’ll only add my experience with it. Like Meastra, I too use Nuxe’s balm during the day. This is very waxy balm, so it’s perfect protection against wind and cold. It doesn’t turn cakey on my lips during freezing temperatures like my similar lip balms do, so I use it regularly and will repurchase (but I would prefer some other packaging as I dislike jars). And like Cicaplast this too can work great as lip base … in thin layer. This is the only balm with scent … not counting oil or wax scent.

Price: 12 EUR for 15g (0.52 oz)
Alverde Calendula lippen balsam
Alverde is in house brand of DM drugstores and is part of “natural” range (it has Natrue certificate). Calendula lip balm comes in a form of a (chap) stick and is the most lightweight product in my lip care routine. Alverde Calendula gives my lips more wax protection than deep nourishing. But is glides on my lips it’s not overly greasy looking and you’ll always find (at least one) in my handbag. It doesn’t melt in the summer and is not rock hard in the winter, does give my lips protection and some nourishment + if possible I like to have as “organic” lip balms as possible always at my reach and this pretty inexpensive does the trick … if my lips are not in really horrible condition.
I don’t really scent or taste the flavor. It smells mostly oil/wax like.
Ingredients: Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed oil, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Hydrogenated Coco Glycerides, Euphorbia Cerifera (Candelilla) Wax, Cera Alba (Beeswax) Copernica Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Aroma (Flavor), Linalool, Benzyl Benzoate, Tocopherol
Price: around 1 EUR I think for 4,8g.

Care to share your favorite lip balms?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Že kaki 2 leti uporabljam Sierra Bees balzame, ki jih naročam na iHerbu. Ponavadi dodam kakega, da dopolnim naročilo do tistih 21-22 €. Imajo različne okus in vsi, kar sem jih preizkusila, so mi všeč. So organski in brez ricinusovega olja, kar je meni zelo pomembno, ker sem ugotovila, da mi zelo izsuši ustnice. Skratka – priporočam :thumb: .
Hvala za priporočilo!
Sem ponosna lastnica nuxe balzama, ki je do zdaj edini balzam, ki pozdravi moje ustnice. Imam bolj polne ustnice in posledično pozimi cele katastrofe z njimi. Ker sem prebrala tvojo oceno o cicaplastu in je denarnici bolj prijazen kot nuxov, katerega je že skoraj zmankalo :nervous: sem šla po tega. Ampak me je čisto razočaru. Na začetku ko ga nanesem je super ampak ko se vpije, kar se dokaj hitro v primerjavi z nuxe je stanje še slabše kot pred nanosom :pic:
Jaz samo z enim niti ne pridem skozi. Zato sem specifično omenila, da potrebujem vse 4 (vmes se jim je pridružil še Burt’s Bees mango), ker samo eden nikakor ne zadosti vsem potrebam (nahranit, celit, vlažit …).
Za cenejšo opcijo Nuxovemu, bi jaz mogoče raje pogledala na oddelkih “organske/naravne” kozmetike. Njihovi bolj temeljijo na voskih, ki tebi očitno ustrezajo … pa še hranilni so ponavadi.
Tudi jaz sem zapravila že kar nekaj denarja da bi ugotovila kateri balzam mi ustreza na žalost idealnega še nisem našla zelo dobro pa so se odrezali Melvitin v lončku ter balzami Hurraw. Nuxov in Alverde mi nista ustrezala, me je pa tvoja ocena opomnila da moram poskusiti še Cicaplast…
Uuu, moram preveriti kakšni so sestavinsko Hurraw balzami. Pri meni je vedno prostor za še kakšnega. :silly:
Preizkušam Cicaplast in trenutno kar dobro kaže. K svojemu seznamu pa dodajam še Melem v lončku (moti me edino to da je lonček verzija vsticku se pa slabše obnese) ter Eucerin Lip Repair v tubici.
Meni je bil top Melvitin medeni balzamček v podobnem lončku kot Nuxov, amapk so ga na žalost ukinili. Od stikov pa vedno nosim s seboj kakšnega od Burt’s bees
Burt’s Bees so pa še na seznamu za konkretno testiranje. Škoda, da Melvitinega ni več. Bi šla še tega iskat.
Super objava. Nuxe mi je zaenkrat res velikokrat rešil ustnice. Imam res zelo zelo pogosto suhe ustnice. Alverde balzam je prav tako odličen. Zdaj mi ostaneta še ostala dva za preizkusiti. Sem že gledala La-Roche Posay, pa se nisem mogla odločiti za nakup:).
Meni je Cicaplast linija super … samo krema za roke mi sploh ne ustreza. :thumb:
Alverde balzami so res top! Samo žal mi je, ker zgleda, da so marelico zamenjali. :)
Tale Nuxe balzam sem že na enem drugem blogu zasledila in se moram spomnit na njega, če bom imela pozimi krizo z razpokanimi ustnicami. :)
Pri krizi z razpokanimi ustnicami pri meni zmagata prva dva. :cute: