Chloe Love Story eau de parfum

Chloe Love StoryChloe Love Story is the newest edition to the Chloe perfume range. It was launched in September 2014. Although it was launched in the fall it isn’t your typical fall/winter scent. It is a modern floral scent. It is sweet and fresh at the same time. Right after I spray it on my skin, I notice some bitterness and sharpness. After a while the scent gets rounder and softer but not powdery. The scent isn’t overpowering, but is still noticeable. To me this is an everyday scent. Modern and chic. I can imagine wearing it to the office, on a date, when I am shopping … you name it. The only down thing is the longevity. I wish it would last longer on my skin. After three to four hours it is almost gone. I can still smell it very close to the skin and on the clothes but for more I need to reapply it. The longevity is still better than with the See By Chloe, but much poorer than with the original Chloe one.
Chloe Love StoryChloe Love Story
So, if you like floral scents, than I suggest you give this one a sniff and let me know, what do you think of it.
The next time I’ll write a mini comparison between all my Chloe perfumes: See By Chloe, Chloe in Love Story.

P.S. Slovenian girls – take a look at Slovenian version of this post.

*I got the perfume to review

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

21 thoughts on “Chloe Love Story eau de parfum”

  1. Super nagrada! :) Tud jaz obožujem parfume in težko izpostavim enega… skoz jih menjam. Še vedno pa iščem naj popoln pudrast vonj. :)

  2. Na meni pride precej pudrasto in vonj mi je precej všeč za jesen, zimo, pomlad (nikakor poletje). Sama ga na sebi že zelo kmalu ne vonjam več, mi pa drugi neprestano govorijo kako lepo dišim – tako, da očitno obstane.

  3. No, kako bi sele mene razveselilo nekaj novih testerckov. Zadnje case sem popolnoma brez idej, kaksen parfum bi nosila. Mogoce bom celo poskusila s Chloe Love Story!

  4. Mene bi pod smrekico najbolj razveselil moj najljubši Dior Hypnotic Poison. Bom pa povonjala tudi Chloe, ko bom naslednjič v kakšni parfumeriji. Drugače pa super giveaway.

  5. Meni so cvetlični vonji blazno všeč. Chloe moram preizkusiti naslednjič, ko bom v kakšni parfumeriji. Drugače pa super giveaway. :)

  6. Sem ga nahitro sprobala v Mullerju, saj diši ampak nima pa tisto “nekaj” zaradi česar bi me prepričal v nakup :ermm: Imam pa doma See by Chloe in je na meni dokaj obstojen :yes:
    Pod smerkco bi pa najraje videla Guerlain La petite robe noir, samo da si ga bom zaradi cene morala sama skriti pod smrekco, ker se me drugi ne bodo usmilili :w00t:


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