L’Oreal Sequine Explosion nail polish (842)

I fell really strange complimenting L’Oreal nail polish jet again, after years of not even looking at them. I really like whom ever they hired to improve their nail polish line.

L'Oreal Sequine Explosion (842) nail polish detail nail polish bottle
L’Oreal Sequine Explosion (842) nail polish detail nail polish bottle

This time I fell in love with L’Oreal polish number 842 Sequin Explosion. This polish is so seriously packed with all kinds of glitter that I found it almost impossible to take accurate photo of. Just look at all that sprakly gorgeousness stuffed into tiny bottle.

Base has slight purple tint to it, but is more or less clear. Then you have everything from purple hexagons to green tiny glitter in the mix. Top coat is easy to spread over the nail but I needed little bit of tapping to transfer larger glitter particles.

I love using dark nail polishes over this kind of topper to make colors really pop. So I went with Jessica Mad for Madison. What can I say except that I loved it. I didn’t have it long enough on to comment on how was the lasting power on me, but be assured I’ll be using this topper again in the near future.

L'Oreal Sequine Explosion (842) nail polish swatch
L’Oreal Sequine Explosion (842) nail polish swatch over Jessica Mad For Madison
L'Oreal Sequine Explosion (842) nail polish detail
L’Oreal Sequine Explosion (842) nail polish detail

I’m making a wish list of L’Oreal nail polishes. Anything interesting I should include?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

7 thoughts on “L’Oreal Sequine Explosion nail polish (842)”

  1. Uuu, je lep!
    Jz sem tudi šele pred kratkim kupila svoj prvi L’Orealov lakec – Gold Leaf top coat. (ja, vem, sem ful za cajtom s tem zlatim bleščičastim lakom)
    Ampak ja, jz hočem nadlak, ki sestoji samo iz te “baze” vseh teh topperjev; ne vem kaj delajo z njimi, ampak obstojnost je pri meni običajno noro fajn! :)

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