Be My Valentine

The love story continues … I am still dating Oliver. The love affair is stronger than ever. He turns every moment into romance and I just love spending time with him. He makes me feel special. When we are together all my worries disappear. At least for a moment or two. I love to sniff on him, because he just smell so nice. He is very popular and almost every girl wants him for herself. Don’t worry I am not jealous. There are enough Olivers for everybody. No need to take mine. ;)

Funny thing happened a couple of days ago. While we were having the best time in the world, laughing to silly things and snowball fighting. You know … the usual stuff. :D I simply asked: “Will you be my Valentine?” It just popped out of my mouth because … I was just very happy! He didn’t say a word. He didn’t have to. I knew he will be mine! <3

I am daydreaming of our Valentine’s day like a madwoman …

I am going to spend my Valentine’s day with the love of my life and I am the luckiest girl in the Universe. He is going to bring me roses. We’ll drink champagne. And cuddle on the couch. And simply enjoy the moment. You know the usual romantic stuff. Because I am a romantic at heart.

Why on Valentine’s day you ask? Well, why not also on Valentine’s day? Every excuse is a good excuse to spend some us time with the love of my life. ;)

If you are here to get ideas what to buy your Valentine, you are in the wrong place. You don’t need to buy anything. Kind words, a kiss and the good old love letter are enough. What I will do is give you the opportunity to get your very own Oliver. Because I know you will love him too.


How to win a perfect set of S’Oliver For Her and S’Oliver For Him plus a set of two champagne glasses:

  • let me know in the comments what is your perfect Valentine’s day like?
  • fill out bellow form
  • open for: Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia

Giveaway is open until 14th of February.

Missed my first Oliver love story?

S'Oliver For Her - Valentine's Day Edition
My Oliver!
S'Oliver For Her - Valentine's Day Edition
What is the plan for today?
S'Oliver For Her - Valentine's Day Edition
Oliver, Will You Be My Valentine!?
S'Oliver For Her - Valentine's Day Edition
He said YES!
S'Oliver For Her - Valentine's Day Edition
He brought roses <3
S'Oliver For Her - Valentine's Day Edition
I am in love …
S'Oliver For Her - Valentine's Day Edition
… until eternity!
S'Oliver For Her - Valentine's Day Edition
Thank you for the roses, my dear!
S'Oliver For Her, For Him Giveaway
Photo by: s.Oliver
S'Oliver For Her, For Him Giveaway
Perfect set for a romantic date: S’Oliver For Her and For Him plus champagne glasses, Valentine’s Day special Photo by: s.Oliver

26 thoughts on “Be My Valentine”

  1. To mi je všeč: Every excuse is a Good excuse ? se povsem strinjam. Moje popolno Valentinovo je, če me moj dragi razveseli z rožico in poljubom. Če greva še na eno luštno večerjo ali tortico, pa se toliko bolje. Rada se imava celo leto, ampak za rože mora bit pa praznik ?

  2. Glede na to,da je moj dragi trenutno na drugem koncu sveta, bi bilo zame popolno samo ce bi bila s njim,vseeno kje.. Ce bi biu doma bi pa verjetno bila na kakem kratkem oddihu v kakih termah.. masaza,sprehodi,sprostitev v bazenu,dobra hrana. Top!☺️

  3. Moj moz me dostikrat preseneti z majhno pozornostjo in ja, je romantik. Za Valentinovo pa si zelim cisto preproste stvari…film in crkljanje z njim❤.Perfect way to celebrate❤

  4. Najlepše valentinovo je v dobri družbi drage osebe, ob dobri hrani in kozarcu skrbno izbrane pijače. Ne manjka pa tudi dobra glasba in čokoladna sladica za piko na i. ?

  5. Večerja v Jurmanu – kalamari plus kakšne palačinke za sladico! :D Tam sva tudi načrtovala poroko skupaj, tako da imava lepe spomine…

  6. Moje popolno valentinovo bi bilo presenečenje od mojega dragega. Ni ravno najbolj romantičen človek na svetu in kakšno presenečenje bi res bilo veliko presenečenje. :)

  7. Sama sem romantik, ampak Valentinovo imam vsak dan. Sem mnenja, da se ljubezen osebam, ki jih imamo radi izkazuje prav vsak dan v letu. Me pa vsekakor ob tem času preplavi srčkomanija, kakšna skupna večerja in kozarček vina.

    Čudovite fotografije!


  8. I would spent it in a cozy rustical cabin in the woods with my soulmate cuddling near the fireplace drinking hot wine and watching old movies. :)

  9. Valentinovo mi sicer ne pomeni nekaj posebnega, je pa poseben vsak dan ko si lahko z dragim vzameva čas en za drugega, pa tudi če je to le skupno poležavanje doma, po možnosti s kakšnim dobrim filmom ali pa po domačem kulinaričnem razvajanju :)

  10. sicer ne praznujem, če sem iskrena…. :) a vseeno bi ga najraje preživela v družbi oseb, ki jih imam najrajši. mož in sinova.

  11. Dan preživet v družbi najbljižjih – fanta, prijateljic, družine… Ker Valentinovo je dan ljubezni – ljubezni do življenja ❤


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