Welcome to Parokeets beauty blog!
Parokeets blog is active from January 2009 and is currently written by four authors from Slovenia: Gejba, Maestra, Mamy, Goga.
How do you know which photo belongs to which Parokeet? We all have “our” frame color: Gejba – dark gray, Maestra – dark brown, Mamy – dark blue, Goga – dark green. On top of that each photo is watermarked with nickname of the author.
Here is what each Parokeet lady has to say about herself:
GEJBA: My love for make up started with discovery of mineral make up. I simply love the pigmentation and gorgeous colors available in MMU, so I became obsessed with it. And when you start using MMU, you’re bound to increase the number ob makeup brushes … at least I did. :silly: It didn’t take long to meet the other Parokeets and my make-up obsession hit the roof. I guess I don’t have to spell it out which Parokeet is the guilty party for my nail polish obsession, right? :biggrin:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gejba.parokeets
YouTube Channel:: http://www.youtube.com/user/Parokeets
Twitter:: http://twitter.com/GejbaParokeets
Google+:: https://plus.google.com/113833933671590759835/
Pintrest: http://pinterest.com/gejba/
Email: gejbaparokeets.com
How did it all start? If I’m honest, it all started with Essie nail polishes. My first darker and bolder shade was Essie’s Bahama Mama. Back then I couldn’t paint my nails at all. My application was a mess. Someone said that practice makes perfect and I couldn’t agree more. I was very persistent and started painting my nails on a daily basis, which improved my application skills a lot. Not only were my application skills improved but also my stash of nail polishes started to grow faster and faster. I wanted to have all the polishes in the world (and I still do). All the beautiful swatches out there in the internet are to blame for that. I still remember my first eBay purchase. I just wanted to try something and by mistake bought OPI – Grape Lakes polish, which I still haven’t worn because I don’t like it. The polish brings back memories, when I still could carry my stash in one beauty bag. :biggrin: That was a few years back. Now I need “a few” bags to fit my stash. Somewhere in between I met wonderful ladies, which are now part of the Parokeets group. And since then … well, my horizon has expanded a lot! Now I’m in love with mineral make up as well and a lot of other make up related things. The Parokeets blog also sparked my love for photography and graphic design. I also write articles for a Slovenian beauty portal. And it keeps going and going …
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/blog.parokeets
YouTube Channel:: http://www.youtube.com/user/MaestraParokeets
Twitter:: http://twitter.com/#!/maestraparokeet
Email: maestraparokeets.com
I always try to be positive and take on any interesting projects that comes my way. I try to be optimistic and see more than doom and gloom that sometimes enters our lives.
Email: mamyparokeets.com
Email: gogaparokeets.com
Dobrodošli na Parokeets blogu!
Parokeets blog je bil ustanovljen januarja 2009 in ga trenutno sestavljajo štiri avtorice. Gejba in Maestra kot najbolj “plodni” pisateljici ter Mamy in Goga, ki vsake toliko najdeta čas za zanimiv prispevek ali dva. Kako najlažje prepoznate avtorico specifične fotografije – vsaka ima svojo barvo okvirja. Gejba – temno sivo, Maestra – temno rjavo, Mamy – temno modro, Goga – temno zeleno. Poleg tega je vsaka fotografija še dodatno opremljena z vodnim žigom v obliki avtoričinega nicka.
GEJBA: Moja ljubezen do ličenja se je začela šele, ko sem vstopila v svet mineralnih ličil. Množica barv in prekrasna pigmentiranost sta botrovali, da sem postala čisto obsedena z njimi. In ker brez čopičev pri mineralnih ličilih enostavno ne gre, se je naglo povečala tudi moja zbirka čopičev. :silly: Ni trajalo dolgo in spoznala sem preostale Parokeetke. Verjetno vam ni potrebno posebej razlagati katera izmed Parokeetk je krivec, da se je moja zbirka lakov povečala iz mini škatlice Ferrero Rocher čokoladic do te mere, da si že ogledujem katera omara bi bila najprimernejša za trenutno zbirko. :biggrin: Redno berem večino slovenskih kozmetičnih forumov, daleč največ časa pa preživim na forumu Ars Cosmetica.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gejba.parokeets
YouTube Channel:: http://www.youtube.com/user/Parokeets
Twitter:: http://twitter.com/GejbaParokeets
Google+:: https://plus.google.com/113833933671590759835/
Pintrest: http://pinterest.com/gejba/
Email: gejbaparokeets.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/blog.parokeets
YouTube Channel:: http://www.youtube.com/user/MaestraParokeets
Twitter:: http://twitter.com/#!/maestraparokeet
Email: maestraparokeets.com
Trudim se biti pozitivna, v življenju se lotim vsega mogočega. Poskušam biti optimistična in s svojim pogledom na svet pokazati, da življenje ni tako črno, kot se včasih zazdi …
Email: mamyparokeets.com
Email: gogaparokeets.com