Impressed by Revlon – part 2Navdušena nad Revlonom – 2.del

Last week, I presented three Revlon shades and you can read about them HERE. I also promised to show two more shades and here they are …

Raven Red is a cream shade. The color is darker cold red. The application is easy and streak-free. You only need two coats to get full coverage.

Brazil Nut Brown is a wonderful brown shade with lots of golden shimmer.

If I would have to choose my favourite of the five shades, I would probably choose Brazil Nut Brown for its really beautiful brown shade. Not far behind is the Blackberry. Probably because I simply prefer shimmer shades before the cream ones. I often find cream shades boring, but there are exceptions …

In general, I was positively surprised with Revlon. All shades that I ordered are well pigmented and they all applied well. Also, the price is not excessive.

As promissed last week, I showed you the remaining Revlon shades. The rest of the week but will be color themed, but that’s a story for tomorrow …

Prejšnji teden sem predstavila tri Revlonove odtenke. O tem lahko preberete TUKAJ. Takrat sem obljubila, da pokažem še dva odtenka. In tukaj sta…

Raven Red je krem odtenek. Barva je hladna temnejša rdeča. Nanašanje je enostavno in brez prog. Zadostujeta dva nanosa.


Brazil Nut Brown je čudovit rjav odtenek z zlatim šimrom.


Če bi morala izbrati svojega favorita med vsemi petimi, bi verjetno zmagal ravno Brazil Nut Brown, ker je res čudovit rjav odtenek. Tesno za petami mu je Blackberry. Najbrž zato, ker enostavno preferiram šimraste odtenke pred krem odtenki. Krem odtenki se mi velikokrat zdijo dolgočasni in hitreje se jih naveličam. Obstajajo pa tudi izjeme…

V splošnem me je Revlon res pozitivno presenetil. Vsi odtenki, ki sem jih naročila, se krasno nanašajo, so resnično dobro pigmentirani, obstojnost pa je tudi dobra. Prav tako cena ni pretirana.

Tako, držala sem obljubo iz prejšnjega tedna in pokazala še preostala Revlona, ki sem ju dobila. Preostanek tedna bo pa tematsko obarvan, a kaj več o tem jutri…

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