Catrice LE Haute CouleurCatrice LE Haute Couleur

Catrice presented new LE in July. Its called Limited Edition Haute Couleur. Its all about vivid, lively colors.

Catrice LE Haute Couleur

First in line is 01 Jewelled White, pearly white color. It has good coverage. I wondered if I should buy it or not. Well, I don’t “need” it, but … :wink:
What do you think?


I never have doubts about whether to buy purple polish or not. I loved Catrice 02 Luxe Style right away. I liked application little bit less. This creme shade is quite thick.

But it is beautiful. :stars:


Blue. Catrice 03 Precious Turquoise. It reminds me of Gosh – Ocean polish, but I’ll have to compare them side by side to see if they’re really similar. This one was the first to become NOTD. :biggrin:


It actually more turquoise (as you can gather from the name itself) than blue you see in the picture.

Last one from this LE is Catrice 04 Dramatic Pink. Is any comment necessary? :stars:

Judge for yourself.


This butterfly was so curious about what was I doing, that it belongs in the post. :wink:


We had quite a rainy period in last few weeks, so I was glad to see the sun. This is the rainbow I captured in the late afternoon.


V juliju so pri Catrice na ogled postavili Limited Edition Haute Couleur. Uf, poletne, živahne in vroče barve, ki so šle za med.

Catrice, LE Haute Couleur
Catrice, LE Haute Couleur

Prvi v vrsti je  01 Jewelled White, polno prekrivna perla barva. Zanj sem bila v resnih dvomih, ali ga rabim ali ne. No, “rabim” ga ravno ne,  ampak…  :wink: Kaj menite?

Catrice, 01 Jewelled White
Catrice, 01 Jewelled White

Pri vijoličnih lakih nikoli ne dvomim: kupiti ali ne kupiti.  Catrice 02 Luxe Style mi je bil takoj všeč. No, malo manj mi je bil všeč nanos. Lak je krem in zdel se mi je precej gost.

Sicer pa leeeep… :stars:

Catrice, 02 Luxe Style
Catrice, 02 Luxe Style

Moder. Catrice 03 Precious Turquoise.  Na hitro se takoj spomnim na Gosh, Ocean. Ne vem, moram še preveriti. Ta je bil prvi na vrsti za NOTD  :biggrin:

Catrice, 03 Precious Turquoise
Catrice, 03 Precious Turquoise

Dejansko potegne malo na zeleno, ni moder, kot se vidi na sliki, ampak že po imenu sodeč, turkizen.

Še zadnji od omenjene LE je Catrice 04 Dramatic Pink. Je komentar sploh potreben? :stars:

Presodite same.

Catrice, 04 Dramatic Pink
Catrice, 04 Dramatic Pink

Tale metulj je bil na moč radoveden, tako da si zasluži svoje mesto. :wink:


In po dolgem deževnem obdobju, nam je vreme naklonjeno za fotografiranje.  Takole sem neko pozno popoldne ujela mavrico, lakov se v oblačnem dnevu ne da pokazati v vsej svoji lepoti.


Ne pozabite, da imate samo še danes do 23:59 čas, da glasujete za najljubšo fotografijo v igri Nohti so moje veselje.

13 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Catrice LE Haute Couleur<!--:--><!--:sl-->Catrice LE Haute Couleur<!--:-->”

  1. Those are really pretty colors. Can’t wait to see them swatched. We never “need” polish but we just have to have it. Makes us happy doesn’t it? What a beautiful butterfly. I’ve never seen one that color. Thanks for the rainbow picture. Hope you have lots of luck from seeing it.


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