Some orange-y beauties – Part 2Oranžni lepotci – 2.del

If you missed the first instalment, HERE is the link to it.

S-he Stylezone – 15 is a vivid orange creme polish. There are two coats in the picture.

S-he Stylezone - 15

Look by Bipa – Sunset vs. Essie – Chubby Cheeks vs. China Glaze – Vintage Crepe

Bipa – Sunset vs. Essie – Chubby Cheeks vs. China Glaze – Vintage Crepe

They are all cremes. You can see from the picture that there are no dupes. Sunset is the lightest of them all. Chubby Cheeks is more orange and Vintage Crepe has some red to it. I had no application issues with these. The picture was taken with two coats for each shade.

Bipa – Sunset vs. Essie – Chubby Cheeks vs. China Glaze – Vintage Crepe

Jessica – Downtown is an interesting shade. I mean, I love it in the bottle but not so much when it’s on the nails. It is a pretty coral shade with golden shimmer and frost to slightly metallic finish. Maybe it’s the frost finish again that I don’t like. The polish is also on the sheer side, so I needed three coats to make it fully opaque.

Jessica - Downtown

Essence – Object Of Desire vs. Alessandro – 253 vs. Rimmel – Sunrise vs. NYX – Sorbet

Essence – Object Of Desire vs. Alessandro – 253 vs. Rimmel – Sunrise vs. NYX – Sorbet

Again, there are no dupes here. Object Of Desire and Sorbet are on the pink side, while 253 and Sunrise are more on the orange side.S-he Stylezone – 15 je krem živa oranžna. Gre za manjšo stekleničko od običajnih, zato nisem prepričana, ali je ta odtenek še na policah. Na fotografiji sta dva nanosa.

S-he Stylezone - 15Look by Bipa – Sunset vs. Essie – Chubby Cheeks vs. China Glaze – Vintage Crepe

Bipa - Sunset vs. Essie - Chubby Cheeks vs. China Glaze - Vintage CrepeVsi odtenki so krem. Iz fotografije je razvidno, da odtenki niso identični. Sunset je najsvetlejši. Chubby Cheeks ima že več oranžne v sebi, medtem ko ima Vintage Crepe v sebi še nekaj rdeče. Z nobenim nisem imela problemov pri nanašanju. Vsi so naneseni v dveh nanosih.

Bipa - Sunset vs. Essie - Chubby Cheeks vs. China Glaze - Vintage CrepeJessica – Downtown je zanimiv odtenek. V steklenički mi je zelo všeč, na nohtih pa ne tako zelo. Gre za lep koralen odtenek z zlatim šimrom in frost do minimalno kovinskim finišem. Morda je spet frost finiš tisti, ki je težaven zame. Prav tako je odtenek nekoliko prosojen. Na fotografiji so trije nanosi.

Jessica - Downtown

Essence – Object Of Desire vs. Alessandro – 253 vs. Rimmel – Sunrise vs. NYX – Sorbet

Essence - Object Of Desire vs. Alessandro - 253 vs. Rimmel - Sunrise vs. NYX - Sorbet

Tudi med zgornjimi odtenki ni dveh, ki bi bila identična. Object Of Desire in Sorbet imata v osnovi precej roza barve, medtem ko sta 253 in Sunrise bolj oranžna.

Če ste slučajno zamudili prvi del oranžnih lepotcev, si o njih lahko preberete TUKAJ.

7 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Some orange-y beauties – Part 2<!--:--><!--:sl-->Oranžni lepotci – 2.del<!--:-->”

  1. Thanks for the comparisons. They are all so different. They are all so pretty. I have a few oranges but none of these. I have to get Chubby Cheeks. I love that shade it’s also pretty on you.

  2. Meni je tudi S-he ful všeč, takoj za njim pa sta Essence in Rimmel. :wub:
    Sicer pa so čudoviti vsi, samo Jessica mi ni tako všeč. To mi je pa zelo čudno, ker oranžnih barv sicer nimam najrajši… Na tvojih nohtkih pa so vsi zelo lepo izpadli!
    Možno, da bo tudi na mojih nohtih danes še kakšen oranžko… :wink:


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