Essence – Summer Of Love TE part 2Essence – Summer Of Love TE 2.del

If you missed the first part, here is the LINK to it.

Psychedelic is the only creme polish in the collection. It is a blend of coral, red and a hint of pink color. It is a vivid color and perfect for the summer. The application was great. If you’re careful enough, you’ll need only one coat for full coverage. There are two coats in the picture.

Essence - Summer Of Love - PsychedelicWoodstock is a blue-green colour with more green that blue to it. It also has irregular shaped silver shimmer. It is highly pigmented and the application was flawless. There are two coats in the picture.

ful sun
ful sun

My camera best captured the shimmer in the shade.

Essence - Summer Of Love - Woodstock Vs. Catrice - Palm LeavesAs you can see above, the shade is practically identical to the shades Palm Leaves from Catrice (from their limited edition Club Tropicana). From the picture above they may seem as they are different but that is mostly because of the shade. In person I didn’t see the difference between them.

Both (or all) shades are perfect for summer days!

Če ste zamudili prvi del, si ga lahko preberete TUKAJ.

Psychedelic je edini krem odtenek iz omejene kolekcije Summer Of Love. Gre za mešanico med koralo, rdečo in pikico roza barve. Izredno živahen odtenek in čudovit za poletje. Lak je zelo dobro pigmentiran in za popolnoma prekriven nanos zadostuje že skoraj en nanos. Drugi nanos je samo še popravljanje napakic. Nanaša se popolnoma brez težav. Na fotografiji sta dva nanosa.

Essence - Summer Of Love - PsychedelicWoodstock je hmm… barve nisem znala opisati, zato sem si pomagala z Wikipedijo, kjer sem našla barvo, ki je Woodstocku najbližja. Barvi je ime Viridian. V Wikipediji o njej piše:

Viridian is a blue-green pigment, a hydrated chromium(III) oxide, of medium saturation and relatively dark in value. It is composed more of green than blue. Specifically, it is a dark shade of spring green, the color between green and cyan on the color wheel. Viridian takes its name from the Latin viridis, meaning “green”.”

Beseda Viridian je v angleško-slovenskem slovarju prevedena kot modrozelen pigment. Torej gre za modrozelen odtenek, v katerem prevladuje zelena nad modro.

Essence - Summer Of Love - Woodstock Vs. Catrice - Club Tropicana - Palm Leaves
na soncu

V senci je fotoaparat ujel zanimiv šimer, ki je srebrn in nepravilnih oblik.

Essence - Summer Of Love - Woodstock Vs. Catrice - Club Tropicana - Palm Leaves
v senci

Odtenek je praktično identičen odtenku Palm Leaves znamke Catrice iz omejene kolekcije Club Tropicana. Na zgornji fotografiji morda izgledata različna, vendar je to predvsem zaradi sence. Šimer je v obeh enak, prav tako osnovna barva. Jaz dejansko nisem opazila razlike. Morda je Palm Leaves za odtenek redkejši po konsistenci, to je pa tudi vse. Oba se zelo lepo nanašata in sta dobro pigmentirana. Na fotografiji sta dva nanosa.

Oba odtenka sta perfektna za poletne dni!

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