KOTD: Essence Meet You In Budapest + Ciate Golden Globe + p2 So Cool!

If you like mine (no. 18) or Meastra’s (no. 21) winter manicure you can vote for us at Winter Nail Art Contest. Every vote is appreciated. :rose:

Thriszha asked me if I could do konadicure with middle all over image on Chez-Delaney plate H 22.

I used Essence Meet You In Budapest for base since that is one of my favorite polishes right now. :biggrin: Our Meastra gave me this beautiful polish for my birthday. It’s called Ciate Golden Globe. :rose: At the same time I got p2 So Cool! polish from Germany so I had to test both of them. :silly:

I used Golden Globe with middle all over image from H 22 plate on index and middle finger and So Cool! on ring and baby finger.

Essence Meet You In Budapest + Ciate Golden Globe + p2 So Cool! + CD 22

Which color do you think works better with Meet You In Budapest polish – Golden Globe or So Cool!?

V Winter Nail Art Contest sta se uvrstili tako moja (št.18) kot Maestrina (št.21) manikura. Če vam je katera všeč, bova veseli vsakega glasu. :rose:

Thriszha je prosila, če lahko naredim manikuro s sredinskim all over vzorcem na Chez-Delaney šabloni H 22.

Za bazo sem vzela Essence Meet You In Budapest, ker mi je trenutno zelo pri srcu. :biggrin: Naša Maestra mi je za rojstni dan podarila čudovit lakec – Ciate Golden Globe ( :rose: ), iz Nemčije pa se je pridružil moji zbirki še p2 So Cool! lak. Seveda se nisem mogla odločiti, katerega bi prej testirala, tako da sem uporabila kar oba. :silly:

Na kazalcu in sredincu sem H 22 vzorček uporabila z Golden Globe lakom, na prstancu in mezincu pa s So Cool! lakom.

Essence Meet You In Budapest + Ciate Golden Globe + p2 So Cool! + CD H22

Kateri se vam zdi, da bolj paše k Meet You In Budapest laku?

16 thoughts on “KOTD: Essence Meet You In Budapest + Ciate Golden Globe + p2 So Cool!”

  1. They are both pretty nice, i’d love to wear both of them…BUT.
    The ones with Golden Globe on it are looking a little “vintage” and i’m really a fan of that. So that’s my favourite combination :]


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