Zoya – Savita + EOTD

Savita is part of Zoya’s Matte Velvet Winter collection and it is a gorgeous matte purple. I mean, I can’t really describe how cool this shade is. It looks definitely like purple velvet on the nails. I love everything about Savita. Pure perfection in purple …

Zoya - Matte Velvet Winter 2009 - SavitaThe shimmer is a little smaller than in OPI Suede polishes and I love it.

Zoya - Matte Velvet Winter 2009 - SavitaIs there anything I don’t like about Savita? Let me think. :think: I don’t think so.

You have to be a bit careful when applying Savita, because it is matte and it dries fast, which means that you have to work fast. But it wasn’t an issue for me because I was blinded by the beautiful purple velvet. :wub: I think Savita doesn’t get enough love in the nail polish bloger sphere. “Savita, don’t worry, I have enough love for you!” :biggrin:

OK, move on to my yesterday’s EOTD.

Sweetscents: Crescent Moon, Amethyst, Orchid Opal, Dark Wine, Passionate Pink; Essence Metal Glam EL - On-the-go

Products I used:
Sweetscents: Crescent Moon, Amethyst, Orchid Opal, Dark Wine, Passionate Pink
Essence Metal Glam EL – On-the-go

Sweetscents: Crescent Moon, Amethyst, Orchid Opal, Dark Wine, Passionate Pink; Essence Metal Glam EL - On-the-goSweetscents: Crescent Moon, Amethyst, Orchid Opal, Dark Wine, Passionate Pink; Essence Metal Glam EL - On-the-goMetal Glam eyeliner from Essence is great. Beautiful blue color, very long lasting and quite cheap.Is there more you could wish for?

Thanks for reading and commenting! :rose:

Savita je del Matte Velvet Winter kolekcije znamke Zoya. Gre za čudovit vijoličen odtenek z mat finišem, ki na nohtih izgleda kot žamet. Sploh ne morem opisati, kako čudovit je ta odtenek. Čista vijolična perfekcija …

Zoya - Matte Velvet Winter 2009 - SavitaŠimer je nekoliko manjši kot v mat OPI Suede lakih, kar mi je všeč.

Zoya - Matte Velvet Winter 2009 - SavitaAli je sploh kakšna stvar, ki mi pri Saviti ni všeč? Da pomislim … :think: Mislim, da je ni reči, ki mi ni všeč.

Vseeno pa ne smemo pozabiti, da gre za mat odtenek, ki se izredno hitro suši, kar pomeni, da si pri nanašanju ne smemo vzeti preveč časa. Pri nepazljivem nanosu lahko pride do neenakomernega reliefnega nanosa, česar si pa zagotovo ne želimo. No, zame to ni bil problem. Oslepljena sem bila namreč od vijoličnega žameta. :wub: Menim pa, da Savita ne dobiva dovolj ljubezni v lak-blog-sceni. “Savita, ne skrbi, moja ljubezen do tebe sega do neba in še čez!” :biggrin:

Dovolj o Saviti, preidimo k včerajšnjemu EOTD.

Sweetscents: Crescent Moon, Amethyst, Orchid Opal, Dark Wine, Passionate Pink; Essence Metal Glam EL - On-the-go

Ličila, ki sem jih uporabila:
Sweetscents: Crescent Moon, Amethyst, Orchid Opal, Dark Wine, Passionate Pink
Essence Metal Glam EL – On-the-go

Sweetscents: Crescent Moon, Amethyst, Orchid Opal, Dark Wine, Passionate Pink; Essence Metal Glam EL - On-the-goSweetscents: Crescent Moon, Amethyst, Orchid Opal, Dark Wine, Passionate Pink; Essence Metal Glam EL - On-the-goČrtalo Metal Glam znamke Essence je enkratno. Barva je čudovita, je dolgo obstojno in še dokaj poceni. Le kaj bi si še lahko želela?

Lep večer vam želim in hvala za vse vaše komentarje! Veliko mi pomenijo! :rose:

22 thoughts on “Zoya – Savita + EOTD”

  1. You have such beautiful eyes. The eye makeup just enhances the lovely color of your eyes. I love the shade of the matte polish. I have them all but haven’t used them. I like them with or without a topcoat

  2. I love Savita too!! You’re right – the color and the finish compliment eachother perfectly. It’s actually my favourite of the Matte Zoyas I have. Unfortunatelly it chipped on me within 5 hours (all of the other Matte Zoyas stayed chip free) but I love the color enough to carry the bottle around with me in case I need quick touch-ups :-)
    It looks absolutelly gorgeus on you!


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