Essence Beauty Beats LEEssence Beauty Beats LE

I’m really later with these “swatches” so I’ll be super quick. As you probably all know, Essence is  official make-up partner of Justin Bieber’s 2013 tour. I’m definitively not a fan of his, but boy did I like the nail polishes I saw at the Essence event. So they were one of the few things that went home with me. :cute:

Essence Beauty Beats LE

Leave it to Essence to bring out such a nice nail polishes in JB’s collection. Couldn’t you have just name it something magical and make me ecstatic that I got them? :biggrin: All of the 4 nail polishes have subtle shimmer to it that is not really in your eye visible but it does effect the whole look of the manicure. I liked all 4 colors can see myself wearing the purple one often. All were nice to apply and are shown in 2 coats + lousily applied top coat. Ups … :sorry:

Meet: Baby, baby, ooh!, I’m backstage, As long as you love me and Groupie at heart.

Next Essence LE review will be hopefully … Dark Romance. I’m guilty of loving all nail polishes in that one and blushes and lipsticks. :blush:

Jajks – res se že zelo pozna z Essence Beauty Beats LE “swatchi”, tako da bo tole zelo ekspresen post. Verjetno že vrabci na veji čivkajo, da je Essence uradni lepotni partner letošnje “Believe” by Justin Bieber. Ne on ne njegov tip glasbe mi nista blizu, vendar pa so mi laki takoj padli v oči na Essence eventu … in odpeketali z menoj domov. :cute:

Essence Beauty Beats LE

Resno Essence, ste morali tako meni všečne lake dati ravno v JB kolekcijo. Niste mogli kolekcije posvetiti nečemu srčkanemu/magičnemu …? :biggrin: Vsi štirje laki imajo meni všečen subtilen šimer, ki ga težko ujamete s prostim očesom, a da manikuri poseben čar. Čeprav so mi vse štiri barve všeč, mi je vijolko prav prirasel k srcu. Vsi so se lepo nanesli, uporabila sem 2 plasti laka in 1 plast nadlaka … ki sem ga očitno zelo površno nanesla. Ups … :sorry:

Spoznajte: Baby, baby, ooh!, I’m backstage, As long as you love me in Groupie at heart.

Zdaj pa držite pesti, da bo naslednji Essence review o Dark Romance kolekciji. Všeč so mi tako laki, kot rdečila, kot šminke, osvetljevalec deluje luštno … :blush:

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6 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Essence Beauty Beats LE<!--:--><!--:sl-->Essence Beauty Beats LE<!--:-->”

    • Za tako barvo – zelo lepo. Ni tista kredasta formula, ne pa spet pričakovati super-duper nanosa. Jaz sem v bistvu pričakovala, da se bo prav zanič nanašal, ker zna biti droben šimer + pastel osnova prava mora, vendar sem na koncu bila prijetno presenečena. :nails:


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