Review and swatches: Essence You Rock! TE (nail polishes)Opis in ocena: Essence You Rock! TE (laki za nohte)

Yay – Saša found all the polishes from Essence You Rock! TE. :happy: :rose:

Essence You Rock! LE nail polishes by Parokeets
Essence You Rock! LE: Cut Off The Beige; Speed Of Light Blue; Kings Of Mints; Love, Peace And Purple

Let’s start with the lightest polish – baby blue shade called Speed Of Light Blue was the hardest to apply, but still nothing two layers can not fix. This is not creme polish as it has almost invisible blue shimmer. Detail is taken from the bottle. 2 coats + top coat.

Essence You Rock LE - Speed Of Light Blue swatch
Essence You Rock LE – Speed Of Light Blue (shade)

Green Kings Of Mints is also laced with hidden/invisible shimmer. I liked this green polish a lot – light green with slight blue undertone and just a hint of mostly silver shimmer. :love: 2 thicker coats (3 on middle finger) + top coat.

Essence You Rock LE - Kings Of Mints swatch
Essence You Rock LE – Kings Of Mints (lightbox)

Cut Off The Beige looked interesting, but I wasn’t really sure whether I’ll like it or not. Well – I love it. :silly: Very nice mixture of brown base and gold shimmer. And since shimmer is little bit larger it doesn’t overpower the brown and turns it into one of those yucky yellow brown shades. 2 thicker coats + top coat.

Essence You Rock LE - Cut Off The Beige swatch
Essence You Rock LE – Cut Off The Beige (shade)

Let Me In Pink is “odd man out” in this collection – the only bright and only creme shade. Can’t believe I’m going to say this – but this is actually very pretty pink shade. Little bit “dirty” and muted … almost perfect elegant pink polish. 2 layers + top coat.

Essence You Rock LE - Let Me In Pink swatch
Essence You Rock LE – Let Me In Pink (shade)

Love, Peace And Purple is from the same family as Alessandro Hypnotic, Barry M Dusky Mauve, Chanel Paradoxal … Is there anything left to say about this brownish purple combo? :silly: 2 layers + top coat.

Essence You Rock LE - Love, Peace And Purple swatch
Essence You Rock LE – Love, Peace And Purple (shade)

All of the polishes apply best if you use a little bit thicker layer. These are minis – 7ml bottle costs 1,45 EUR.

Any lemmings? :angel:Jupi – Saša je naletela na polno stojalo Essence You Rock! LE in mi vzela vseh pet lakcev. :happy: :rose:

Essence You Rock! LE nail polishes by Parokeets
Essence You Rock! LE: Cut Off The Beige; Speed Of Light Blue; Kings Of Mints; Love, Peace And Purple

Pa začnimo z najsvetlejšim lakom – svetlo modrim Speed Of Light Blue odtenkom. Ta se je še najtežje nanašal, vendar nič kritičnega. Ne gre za krem odtenek, ker se v laku skriva skoraj neviden moder šimer. Detail na fotografiji sem vzela iz stekleničke. 2 plasti + nadlak.

Essence You Rock LE - Speed Of Light Blue swatch
Essence You Rock LE - Speed Of Light Blue (shade)

Tudi zeleni Kings Of Mints skriva v sebi zelo fin šimer. Svetlo zeleni lakec z rahlo modrim podtonom ter nevidnim večinoma srebrnim šimrom se mi je takoj prikupil. :love: 2 debelejši plasti (3 na sredincu) + nadlak.

Essence You Rock LE - Kings Of Mints swatch
Essence You Rock LE - Kings Of Mints (lightbox)

Cut Off The Beige je izgledal zanimiv odtenek, vendar nisem bila prepričana, če mi bo všeč. No, sedaj lahko rečem, da mi je zelo všeč. :silly: Gre za luštno kombinacijo rjave baze in zlatega šimra.  Šimer je malo večji, tako da ne spremeni odtenka takoj v rumeno rjavo barvo, ki ni med mojimi ljubšimi. 2 debelejši plasti + nadlak.

Essence You Rock LE - Cut Off The Beige swatch
Essence You Rock LE - Cut Off The Beige (shade)

Let Me In Pink izstopa iz You Rock! LE. Je edini živahnejši odtenek ter edini krem lak. Ne morem verjetni, da bo tole prišlo iz mojih ust, vendar gre za zelo lep roza odtenek. :silly: Malo “umazan” in ravno prav zamolkel, da dobimo ven elegantno roza barvo. Dve plasti + nadlak.

Essence You Rock LE - Let Me In Pink swatch
Essence You Rock LE - Let Me In Pink (shade)

Love, Peace And Purple spada v isto družino kot Alessandro Hypnotic, Barry M Dusky Mauve, Chanel Paradoxal … Je še sploh kaj za dodati o tej rjavo-vijola kombinaciji? :silly: 2 plasti + nadlak.

Essence You Rock LE - Love, Peace And Purple swatch
Essence You Rock LE - Love, Peace And Purple (shade)

Laki se najbolje nanašajo, če uporabite malo debelejše plasti. Gre za mini lakce, ki vsebujejo 7ml laka in stanejo 1,45 EUR.

Si boste omislile kakšnega?

49 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Review and swatches: Essence You Rock! TE (nail polishes)<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Essence You Rock! TE (laki za nohte)<!--:-->”

  1. Jp, ” Love, Peace And Purple” je šel z mano domov (šokantno, kaj :) ); je pa tudi “Let Me In Pink” precej všečen, ga bom še probala najt.

  2. Lepa kolekcija, ne morem verjeti, da sem si po dolgem času tudi jaz omislila lakec iz LE. Sicer me je zares prepričal le Love, Peace And Purple, ki je zares lep in čudovit lakec.


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