Three different views from the same window and a pigeonTrije različni pogledi iz istega okna in golob

I have four additional photographs of my New York City trip. In my previous post I forgot to add a photo of a nice view we had from our hotel room. It was funny because the view during the night was fantastic and during the day was … well … sort of industrial. :biggrin: I’m really not complaining, because it was nice to have a clear view. Better to have a view like that than to have a “view” of another skyscraper, right? What do you think?

Maestra in New York City - USA 2011
Foggy view of Downtown
Maestra in New York City - USA 2011
View of Downtown
Maestra in New York City - USA 2011
Night view of Downtown

And a bonus photo of a beautiful Victoria Crowned Pigeon in Central Park ZOO. I’m not going to talk about that ZOO, because I have mixed feelings about it. Let’s just admire the beautiful creature that mother nature created. I wish the pigeons in Slovenia were as beautiful as this one is.

Maestra in New York City - USA 2011 (Pigeon in Central Park ZOO)
Victoria Crowned Pigeon in Central Park ZOO

I hope I don’t bore you with these photos. If I am, please let me know in the comments. :wink:

Tokrat imam za vas dodatne štiri fotografije iz mojega potovanja po New York-u. V prejšnjem prispevku sem namreč pozabila dodati fotografijo razgleda iz hotelske sobe. Tako boste zdaj dobili servirane kar tri fotografije in še bonus fotko. :biggrin: Pogled skozi ogromna okna hotelske sobe je bil izredno čaroben, ko je bila tema. Čez dan pa … hmm … nekako industrijsko je izgledalo. Vsekakor se ne pritožujem. Bolje imeti razgled kot pa pogled na sosednji nebotičnik, kajne?

Maestra in New York City - USA 2011
Foggy view of Downtown
Maestra in New York City - USA 2011
View of Downtown
Maestra in New York City - USA 2011
Night view of Downtown

Bonus fotografija je fotografija čudovitega goloba z angleškim imenom (ne vem, kako se imenuje v slovenščini) Victoria Crowned Pigeon v živalskem vrtu v Central Park-u. O samem živalskem vrtu ne bom izgubljala besed, tudi dodatnih fotografij ne bom objavljala, ker imam mešane občutke glede tega specifičnega živalskega vrta. Raje občudujmo to čudovito bitje, ki ga je ustvarila mati narava.

Maestra in New York City - USA 2011 (Pigeon in Central Park ZOO)
Victoria Crowned Pigeon in Central Park ZOO

Upam, da vas s temi fotografijami ne dolgočasim. Če vas, mi to prosim sporočite v komentarjih. :wink:

13 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Three different views from the same window and a pigeon<!--:--><!--:sl-->Trije različni pogledi iz istega okna in golob<!--:-->”

  1. I love that bird, it’s beautiful! I just wanna touch his little beak.

    To see that view from my window every morning I think would make me sad. It’s quite pretty, but for some reason evokes a sadness in me. :ermm:

  2. O, lepo bitjece!! Sem mislila, ko sem prebrala naslov, da si slikala čisto navadnega goloba in mi ni bilo jasno, zakaj. :biggrin: Razgled je bil ponoči čudovit! Saj vem, da nas samo dražiš in podaljšuješ čas do kozmetičnih postov. :naughty: :wink: Hec hec, jaz zelo uživam v teh vaših ne-kozmetičnih prispevkih, od rožic Mamy pa vse do prispevkov s počitnic in potovanj! :yes:

    • Hehehe… če se le da, ne počnem običajnih reči. :biggrin: Naslov pa je že tako predolgi, da bi še dodala, da gre za kraljevskega goloba. :biggrin: Je pa res pravi lepotec. A si predstavljaš, da bi imeli v Sloveniji tako lepe golobe? Čeprav je revček tudi v Novi Gvineji menda že ogrožena vrsta. :(

    • :haha: Well, I don’t hate them, they are just very common. And there aren’t as many pigeons as they were in the past. I hope they will not get completely exterminated (or what is the right word for it).

    • According to Wikipedia it’s from New Guinea and it’s evaluated as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. :( A beautiful bird!

  3. Wow, I really like that view. Well, to be honest, it is not what I would like to see through my window every morning for the rest of the life, but in general I just love industrial landscapes. The first picture with fog is just perfect.

    That pigeon has very stylish haircut :)

    • The same with me. From time to time it’s nice to have a view like that (or be in such a big city as NYC is), but otherwise … I prefer smaller cities and my home. :wub:
      Oh yes, that’s a very stylish pigeon. :biggrin:


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