Catrice Run Forest Run – old vs. newCatrice Run Forest Run – stara vs. nova verzija

Last fall (or was it winter :think: ) Maestra brought me Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans from Germany. I asked her how come she didn’t pick up Run Forest Run shade as well, and she told me that it wasn’t really my kind of green … that the color reminded her of Ljubljana’s benches. How sad – and it looked such a lovely shade on the swatches I’ve been seeing around. :hmm:

I visited Austria couple of months later and saw this pretty dark green polish on Catrice stand. Shade – Run Forest Run. And it hit me – Catrice followed Essence trend of changing the content but keeping the name. :ermm:

Sure enough – there was lighter yellowish toned green in the bowl when Catrice polishes came to Slovenia (with lots of other mysterious color changes beside Run Forest Run). I bought that shade too … just because. :biggrin:

Catrice Run Forest Run old vs new comparison
Catrice Run Forest Run old vs new

Fast forward to spring time. :biggrin: I was waiting for Maestra by Ljubljanica river when I spotted green bench. Catrice Run Forest Run shade immediately came to my mind, so I took photo of the bench with my mobile phone. Color looks prettier that it really is. :silly:

Bench In Ljubljana Slovenia
Bench In Ljubljana Slovenia

And here is swatch of new Catrice Run Forest Run:

Catrice Run Forest Run new version swatch
Catrice Run Forest Run new version

Maestra knows me well – definitively not my color. :roll:Prejšnjo jesen (ali je že bila zima :think: ) mi je Maestra prinesla iz Nemčije Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans. Presenetilo me je, da ni vzela Run Forest Run … glede na to, da imava obe radi zeleno barvo. Ko mi je rekla, da je odtenek zelo podoben barvi ljubljanskih klopic mi je bilo vse jasno … pa tako lep odtenek je izgledal na swatcih.  :hmm:

Čez nekaj mesecev sem obiskala Avstrijo. Na Catrice stojalu sem zagledala prelep temno zelen odtenek. Ime – Run Forest Run. Takrat me je prvič prešinilo, da je Catrice prevzel slabe navade mlajše sestrice Essence – zamenjaj odtenek in obdrži ime. :ermm:

Moja predvidevanja so se potrdila, ko so prišli Catrice laki v Slovenijo. V skledi (kjer prebiva tudi nekaj drugih magično spremenjenih odtenkov) sem opazila svetlejši zelen odtenek z rumenkastim podtonom. Nisem se mogla upreti, da ne bi kupila tudi novo verzijo … čisto iz firbca. :biggrin:

Catrice Run Forest Run old vs new comparison
Catrice Run Forest Run old vs new

In že je tukaj pomlad. :biggrin: Med čakanjem na Maestro, so mi padle v oči zelene klopce ob Ljubljanici. Takoj sem se spomnila na Catrice Run Forest Run odtenek in jo z mobitelom fotografirala. Tisti, ki poznate ljubljanske klopce, veste da barva na fotografiji izgleda lepša kot je v resnici. :silly:

Bench In Ljubljana Slovenia
Bench In Ljubljana Slovenia

Za konec še swatch novega Catrice Run Forest Run laka:

Catrice Run Forest Run new version swatch
Catrice Run Forest Run new version

Maestra me dobro pozna – definitivno ni moj odtenek. :roll:

16 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Catrice Run Forest Run – old vs. new<!--:--><!--:sl-->Catrice Run Forest Run – stara vs. nova verzija<!--:-->”

  1. it thought i was imagining things when i saw taht th erun forest run bottle in the store was much lighter than mine was, guess i was right after all…

    not buyin the new one, i’ve got another polish that looks much like it..

  2. I also love the old Version of Run Forest Run. :cry: I love it that much, so that I had to buy a backup of the old one and normally I don’t do that.
    Greetings, Bea

  3. I love when I find a polish that matches some colour lol XD I know you personally dont like it but I know I’ll definitely be getting this next time I see it:)

    • Tastes are so different that there are bound to be hundreds of girls who love this shade … and that is the way it should be. :thumb:


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