Comparisons: Essence and Catrice – New vs. Old versions (nail polishes)

I don’t know why companies do that. I mean, I can imagine why this happens, but I have no idea why don’t they just give the polish a new name, when the new version is nothing like the old one. But that’s how it is. We all know that there is gazillion versions of OPI’s My Private Jet. Well, I won’t talk about MPJ today. Today I’d like to show you six different polishes with three different names.

Essence Show Your Feet: Carribean Sea, In The Jungle, Catrice - From Dusk To Dawn
Essence Show Your Feet: Carribean Sea, In The Jungle, Catrice – From Dusk To Dawn

Essence – Carribean Sea from the Show Your Feet line used to be turquoise with a lot of green in it, now it’s turquoise with a lot of blue and with a purple duochrome, which is visible mainly in the bottle. Not as much on the nails.

Swatch: Essence Show Your Feet - Carribean Sea
Comparison: Essence Show Your Feet – Carribean Sea (new vs. old)
Swatch: Essence Show Your Feet - Carribean Sea
Comparison: Essence Show Your Feet – Carribean Sea (new vs. old)

Do you see the purple duchrome effect?

Essence Show Your Feet - Carribean Sea
Essence Show Your Feet – Carribean Sea (new)

Essence – In The Jungle from the Show Your Feet line used to be dark green (like OPI’s Jade Is The New Black) and now it’s a light green. The difference between the old and new version is like day and night.

Swatch: Essence Show Your Feet - In The Jungle
Comparison: Essence Show Your Feet – In The Jungle (new vs. old)
Swatch: Essence Show Your Feet - In The Jungle
Comparison: Essence Show Your Feet – In The Jungle (new vs. old)

And the last comparison I have for you today is From Dusk To Dawn by Catrice. The old version was creme (no shimmer) taupe shade while the new version is darker and it has purple shimmer. It used to be $OPI – Metro Chic wanna be shade, while now it’s Chanel – Paradoxal wanna be shade. :D

Swatch: Catrice - From Dusk To Dawn
Comparison: Catrice – From Dusk To Dawn (new vs. old)
Swatch: Catrice - From Dusk To Dawn
Comparison: Catrice – From Dusk To Dawn (new vs. old)
Swatch: Catrice - From Dusk To Dawn (with flash)
Comparison: Catrice – From Dusk To Dawn (new vs. old) – with flash

That’s what I had for you today. Let me know in the comments which versions do you prefer?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

31 thoughts on “Comparisons: Essence and Catrice – New vs. Old versions (nail polishes)”

  1. Nove verzije so mi všeč, ni mi pa všeč da so tako spremenili From Dusk to Dawn :roll:
    Lahko bi pustili obe verziji laka :thumb:

  2. Catrice changed a lot more colours:
    From Dusk to Dawn
    Lost in Mud (i’ts lighter now)
    Wrapped around my finger (now it’s more a berry shade and has no shimmer)
    Just married (a very sheer pink now with blue shimmer)
    Let’s mauve on (now it has a metallic finish and the colour is very different)
    Be my Millionaire (now a metallic too and also a different colour)
    Back to Black (like mentioned before it isn’t black anymore)
    Run Forest run (lot lighter now)
    Before it has been discontinued they also had two versions of Don’t feed the birds, one with shimmer and a cream.

    I think it is bad to change colours like that and hang on the old name. Why don’t they create new names for those very different shades?

  3. Res človeka zmede to da ne dajo novim odtenkom novega imena, tako sem jaz zelo zmedeno iskala odtenek Essence – In The Jungle ker so mi ga svetovali kot nadomestek OPi Jade is the new black in ker sem v roke dobila novo verzijo mi ni bilo jasno kako so mi predlagali tako različen odtenek…
    Essence – Carribean Sea mi ni preveč všeč ne nov ne star odtenek, Essence – In The Jungle mi je bolj všeč stara verzija, From Dusk To Dawn pa nova verzija…

  4. Hi Maestra! I’ve been following your blog for almost a year now and I really enjoy it! I think the biggest problem with companies changing the color of the nail polishes is when you like the old version better!

    I prefer the new versions of From Dusk to Dawn and Caribbean Sea and it’s almosty bizarre how much they changed the tone of In The Jungle.

    Sometimes it also happens that the color changes within a same lot of nail polish. I’ve seen that: my color is creme and my friend’s is shimmery, same nail polish, same name, bought 1 month apart.


  5. Prvi set, Carrebean Sea me ni ganil niti v prvi niti v drugi verziji – je pa novejša verzija v steklenički videti veliko bolj obetavna, ti ti Essence, kako zavajaš! In the jungle novi mi je prelep, moram ga kupit! Od Catrice sta mi pa oba všeč, vendar sem starejšo verzijo dala naprej po tem ko sem dobila Below Deck od ChG, nova verzija je pa videti preblizu Essence Love & Peace & Purple, tako da je ne bi kupila. :)

    Me pa sicer izredno moti to spreminjanje barv pod istimi imeni. Ne vem zakaj je to tako fajn, meni se res ne zdi. Run, Forest, Run mi je tako ušel in sem zaradi tega tako huda, da nove verzije sploh kupiti ne morem, čeprav je zelenko.

  6. Že nekaj časa imam v pripravi post o primerjavi starega in novega Catrice Run Forest Run odtenka – mislim, da je bil to prvi Catrice odtenek, kjer sem zasledila, da so šli po stopinjah mlajše sestrice … Essence kozmetike. :roll:

  7. ovo im je najveća mana s proizvodima – kako ga mogu totalno promijeniti a ostaviti isto ime… šta su izgubili staru formulu ili je tako teško izmisliti novo ime :shock:

  8. Saj se mi je zdelo, da je tale Caribbean Sea malce drugačen kot prej, ampak pred tole objavo nisem bila prepričana, če imam prav. Moram pa reči, da mi je nova verzija bolj všeč.
    Dve verziji laka in eno ime pa je pri Essence že stara zgodba.

  9. I seriously dislike it when they do that :( Catrice also changed their colours Wrapped Around My Finger and Back To Black. The store still had both versions in stock, so I could compare them and buy the ones I liked best (which were both of the old colours) :) But still, it’s confusing!

    • I don’t know about the Wrapped Around My Finger one, but I know what they did with Back To Black polish. It isn’t even black anymore. :shock:
      I agree it’s confusing! :unsure:

  10. Thanks for the comparisons. I also hate when they do that. If they said that From dusk to dawn will not exist anymore I would have bought three to stash, since it’s my favorite Catrice shade. I watched closely to see which shades will be discontinued and I was releafed to see this one stays. Untill I saw the new version :angry:
    Fortunately Essence has similar color in Color&go line. I must do a comparison of these colors to see if it’s really a dupe…

  11. Stalna praksa. :bljak: Sem potem prejšnjič prav videla, da je In the jungle dosti svetlejši. :yes: Samo meni se zdi, da moja stara verzija pa spet ni bila tako temna kot tvoja, ampak bolj travnato zelena. :whistle:

  12. Wow! That’s a huge difference, didn’t even know about that, lol :D

    I like the new version of From Dusk To Dawn :wub:

    • I also like the new ones (and the old ones :biggrin: ). It just bothers me, that they “discontinue” the old versions and we (costumers/nail polish addicts) even don’t know that. :(

  13. Stare verzije so ble miljardo boljše :/
    Se tepem po glavi zakaj nisem vzela še enega From dusk to dawn dokler je še bil star :/ damn..

  14. Funny!
    They didn’t have to do that, they already have a lot of shades!
    Expect for the first ones (I think they’re pretty similar) they are different, are they allowed to do that?

  15. Thanks so much for doing these comps! The Carribean Sea almost looks like it could be a quality control issue, but the other two are just wacky. I agree–give it a new name if you’re going to make it completely different. I had no idea there were two versions of From Dusk to Dawn–I might need to try and swap for the new one now, as I like both of those.


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