Essence Dark Romance LEEssence Dark Romance LE

First of – I’m nuts so this post will be live and updated few times as I’m determined to post it today, but there is no way I can actually do everything needed in the hour or so I have left. :silly:

Soooo – even though Twillight movies ended, Essence once again launched dark and mystical limited edition that would go well with the saga. I must admit I fell in love with Dark Romance limited edition on the spot and really put effort into getting everything I wanted … and it was a while since I was so exited. :angel:

Essence Dark Romance limited edition
Essence Dark Romance limited edition

There are 4 nail polishes in this LE – all with different kind of finish … at least in theory. As far as I’m concerned suede finish in Moonless Night is matte. To be suede it would have to have mattified shimmer and not just be matte creme shade. Bu still – I do like the nail polish.

The star of Essence Dark Romance LE is for majority of us nail polish freaks is The Sand aka Gothic Gold. I’m not such a huge fan of gold or sand nail polishes, but for some reason I loved this one from the first time I imagined how it would look on me. And it did not fail me – this darling feels at home on my nails. :wub: Only downside is slow drying time … but that seems to be recurring problem with Essence sand nail polishes. :think: 2 layers are all you need for full coverage … and for obvious reasons, no top coat for special finishes. :cute:

Essence Dark Romance LE Gothic Gold nail polish swatch
Essence Dark Romance LE Gothic Gold nail polish swatch

Essence Red Romance is dark and red and matte – of course I love it. :biggrin: This one had the best formula for me – rich but not too thick and it would be dream to apply if it weren’t for the matte part … or me forgetting how careful you have to be with this finish. :blush:

Essence Dark Romance Red Romance nail polish swatch
Essence Dark Romance Red Romance nail polish swatch

Now “The Suede” is I said matte but this time in dark smoky gray brown. Niiice – I love the shade so I’ll overlook the fact that it’s not really suede in my book. :naughty:

Essence Dark Romance Moonless Night nail polish swatch
Essence Dark Romance Moonless Night nail polish swatch

Last one I expected more from finish wise, but it is still pretty purple color. Of course I’m talking about Dark Night Starlight. It applies little bit too sheer for my taste, but nothing 2 coats can not fix. This is the only one I used top coat with. I just wish they put in bigger flakies – then it could really be stunning nail polish.

Essence Dark Romance Dark Night Starlight nail polish swatch
Essence Dark Romance Dark Night Starlight nail polish swatch

Now – I don’t have swatches or review of lipsticks and blushes. Simple reason is – I still don’t know if I should keep them all for myself or be little bit more generous and add one lipstick and one blush to the giveaway. It is December after all right? Right? :biggrin: I’ll add this part of the review after I decide if I want dark or light set.

Video review with nail polish application and Painted Love blush and lipstics swatches:

And for the end – it’s giveaway time! Thanks to lovely Nina who was in the right place at the right time, I have additional set of nail polishes to give one of you, dear readers. You know the rules, so I won’t be repeating them and most of the important ones are seen in the application anyway. Giveaway will end on the 15th of December and is INTERNATIONAL.

Ready, set, go! Good luck to all of you who’re joining in Parokeets December festivities and are nuts about Dark Romance as I am.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ker sem rahlo zmešana in želim na vsak način še danes objaviti post, se bo le ta še nekajkrat dopolnil ta teden. Nekako ni niti teoretično možno, da naredim vse potrebno v manj kot uri, ki mi je preostala preden hčerkica in njena pravljica zavladata gospodinjstvu. :silly:

Twillight trilogija se je mogoče končala, vendar Essence očitno nadaljuje serijo mračnih in romantičnih decembrskih omejenih izdaj. Čisto iskreno priznam, da sem se na prvi pogled zaljubila v Dark Romance kolekcijo. Iz neznanih razlogov, se DM očitno ni odločil za Dark Romance, tako da je bil pravi podvig dobiti vse želeno. DM – kako ne veste, da me računamo na vas? :nervous:

Essence Dark Romance limited edition
Essence Dark Romance limited edition

V kolekciji so štirje laki za nohte – vsak z različnim finišem … v teoriji. Zame osebno suede oz. semiš finiš nujno potrebuje matiran šimer, da ga klasificiramo kot takšnega – Moonless Night je pa mat krem lak. A vseeno – lak je kljub temu lep.

Zvezda Essence Dark Romance LE je za večino nas freakic The Sand = Gothic Gold. Kar je najbolj zanimivo – nisem ljubiteljica niti hrapavčkov niti zlate barve, a sem se čisto zatrapala v tale lak. :biggrin: Na srečo me tudi v realnosti ni pustil na cedilu in se počuti zelo domače na mojih nohtih. :wub: Edini minus je počasnejše sušenje, vendar je to očitno skupna točka Essence lakov s sand/peščenim finišem. :think: Za res lep izgled sta potrebni dve plasti. Nadlak v tej kolekciji ni imel veliko dela … vsaj pri “posebnih” finiših ne. :cute:

Essence Dark Romance LE Gothic Gold nail polish swatch
Essence Dark Romance LE Gothic Gold nail polish swatch

Essence Red Romance je temen, mat, rdeč … seveda sva se takoj odlično razumela. :biggrin: Zame je imela tale lak najboljšo formulo – ravno prav gosto, ki je kar polzela po nohtu. Seveda pa je mat finiš zelo nadležen in ne oprosti nobene napakice … na kar sem jaz popolnoma pozabila. :blush:

Essence Dark Romance Red Romance nail polish swatch
Essence Dark Romance Red Romance nail polish swatch

Kvazi “The Suede” je v resnici bolj mat, kot sem že omenila. Vseeno pa je Moonless Night krasne sivo modre barve, tako da mu tokrat oprostim napačno poimenovanje. :naughty:

Essence Dark Romance Moonless Night nail polish swatch
Essence Dark Romance Moonless Night nail polish swatch

Od zadnjega odtenka sem pričakovala več – vsaj večje koščke šimra/bleščic. Barva je res lepa modrikasto vijolična, a jaz bi pač še malo blinga. :silly: Seveda je govora o Dark Night Starlight. Tudi nanos je bil za moj okus malo preveč prosojen, vendar pa glede na to, da sta dve plasti zadostovali za popolno prekrivnost … mu odpustim to mini napakico. 2 plati + nadlak

Essence Dark Romance Dark Night Starlight nail polish swatch
Essence Dark Romance Dark Night Starlight nail polish swatch

Khm – swatches šmink in rdečil še nimam … nisi preizkusila jih še nisem. Zakaj? Ker se nikakor ne morem odločiti, če bi giveawayju dodala še eno šminko in eno rdečilo … ampak katero?!? Vendar je le december in praznično vzdušje na blogu, tako da bi se spodobilo, da se ločim od enega kompletka, ane? :biggrin: Ta del posta bom dodala naknadno, ko se določim ali bi raje obdržala svetlejši ali temnejši set. :angel:

Nanos lakov in Painted love swatch šminke ter rdečila:

In za konec – GIVEAWAY! Zahvaljujoč krasni Nini, ki je bila na pravem mestu ob pravem času, imam za vas komplet lakov … kako bo s šminko in rdečilom bomo še videli. Pravil ne bom ponavljala, ker imajo svoj post, pa tudi aplikacija vas vodi skozi najpomembnejše. Giveaway se bo zaključil 15.12.

Pripravljene? Naj se decembrske igrice začnejo! :happy:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

83 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Essence Dark Romance LE<!--:--><!--:sl-->Essence Dark Romance LE<!--:-->”

  1. Mah, nekako me odtenki niso prepričali, si moram pa še ogledati odtenke šmink in potem hitro na lov če je še kaj ostalo :wink:


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