Konadicure: Barielle Polished Princess + Zoya Laney + fauxnad m70

KOTD: Barielle Polished Princess + Zoya Laney + IP m70KOTD: Barielle Polished Princess + Zoya Laney + IP m70

For my today’s manicure I have chosen poisonous green shade – Barielle Polished Princess, I got in a swap. :silly:

I love green shades, but I prefer those leaning to the blue side or neutral ones. Yellow green polishes don’t do the trick for me.Danes sem izbrala za NOTD zelenkota stupenkota – Barielle Polished Princess, ki sem ga dobila v swapu.
Zelene odtenke imam sicer res rada, a je skoraj predpogoj, da morajo imeti ali vsaj malo modre ali pa biti nevtralni. Odtenki, ki se zelo močno nagibajo proti rumeni mi niso preveč pri srcu.


Zoya Harley from darksomeZoya Harley od darksome

Yesterday I had especially beautiful day. Postman brought me something unexpected. In cute package I received lovely letter and Zoya Harley polish. It turned out Darksome was my fairy godmother.Včeraj je bil še posebej lep dan. Da ti poštar prinese paket, ki ga ne pričakuješ… V skrbno zavitem paketku je bil poleg lepih besed še lak Zoya Harley. Dobra vila je bila darksome. Seveda ga je bilo treba takoj preizkusiti.