Catrice LE Haute Couleur

By Mamy

Catrice presented new LE in July. Its called Limited Edition Haute Couleur. Its all about vivid, lively colors.

Catrice LE Haute Couleur

First in line is 01 Jewelled White, pearly white color. It has good coverage. I wondered if I should buy it or not. Well, I don’t “need” it, but …
What do you think?


I never have doubts about whether to buy purple polish or not. I loved Catrice 02 Luxe Style right away. I liked application little bit less. This creme shade is quite thick.

But it is beautiful.


Blue. Catrice 03 Precious Turquoise. It reminds me of Gosh – Ocean polish, but I’ll have to compare them side by side to see if they’re really similar. This one was the first to become NOTD. :D


It actually more turquoise (as you can gather from the name itself) than blue you see in the picture.

Last one from this LE is Catrice 04 Dramatic Pink. Is any comment necessary?

Judge for yourself.


This butterfly was so curious about what was I doing, that it belongs in the post.


We had quite a rainy period in last few weeks, so I was glad to see the sun. This is the rainbow I captured in the late afternoon.


This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “Catrice LE Haute Couleur”

  1. Those are really pretty colors. Can’t wait to see them swatched. We never “need” polish but we just have to have it. Makes us happy doesn’t it? What a beautiful butterfly. I’ve never seen one that color. Thanks for the rainbow picture. Hope you have lots of luck from seeing it.

  2. vsi so lepi – tudi beli, čeprav mi ta finiš ni všeč, ker je malo progast. Js sem v Avstriji na stojalu viddela le že rozija, pa me tam ni prepričal. Na Parokeets nohtkih so pa itak vedno vsi lakci čudoviti :nails:

  3. Oh, te sem pa videla na Hrvaškem in me niso prepričali. Niti v živo, niti na teh slikicah. Se mi zdi, da so malo preveč… Povprečni. Da podobne že imam. Razen morda belega, ki pa mi je še najmanj všeč…
    Čeprav zadnji morda malo izstopa in mu delam krivico, ta je pa vseeno lep! :silly:

  4. Morda je najbolj povprečen vijoličen lak.
    Meni je najbolj pri srcu zadnji, že bolj ciklam kot pink, popolna poletna barva. :stars:
    Na vseh fotografijah sta po dva nanosa.
    Metuljček je bil res zanimiv. Ves čas je bil z mano, nikamor se mu ni mudilo. Niti ga ni odgnalo, ko sem ga postavljala v različne položaje, da bi bil videti najlepši.

  5. Uf, samo lepotci. Nikakor se ne morem odločiti, kateri zmaga. Najbolj izstopa bel, ki ga vsekakor potrebuješ, ker trendi kažejo, da so beli odtenki hudo “in” :wink: Kaj pa vem… jaz temu trendu še nisem podlegla… sem še v fazi prepričevanja sebe: “Daj beli priložnost…” :whistle:

    Metulj pa :wub: Z belim lakov sta kot ustvarjena drug za drugega… :biggrin:

  6. Zadnji lak vsekakor zmaga. :wub: :wub: :wub:  Škoda, da ga ni bilo na stojalu, ko sem kupovala lake v Avstriji. :ermm:


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