I’ve frankened the perfect slate blue shade ever. It’s a mixture of some S-he polishes. I really don’t know, which ones I used. But the end result is a shade I was dreaming about. I named it Not Concrete.
It has tiny shimmer, which is almost invisible. Two coats in the picture. No application issues. I love it!
With one coat of sheer polish with pink and blue shimmer from Claire’s, it looks like this.
I added some Konad to Not Concrete, using Konad IP m63 and Avon – Blue Flare polish.
I thought that it would look even cooler with matte top coat. I used Essie – Matte About You. I was right …
It’s among my favourite konadicures made by myself. So cool. What do you think?
And another thing… Nihrida came up with a funny game. I’ll just say one thing: “It’s Not Concrete.”
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Beautiful slate blue shade. Love the Konad also. Your nails look gorgeous!
love it..matted of not..!! does the franken color is blue-gray? waaaaaaaaaaa…. :silly: or maybe its kinda close to ur winter Page background… :biggrin:
Thank you, thriszha! Yes, the shade is blue-gray. I l-o-v-e it!
Meni pa sam odtenek ni všeč, s konadom pa je :w00t:
Zakaj si jo naročila? Zdaj ti je pa ne bom mogla več posoditi :blush: :shock:
prekrasno si to namešala! full je lep :wub: tudi jaz že nekaj časa isščem podoben oddtenek :biggrin:
I love it! Both the franken and the konad. That particular design didn’t really speak to me but I really like what you did.
Thank you! The same with me… at first I didn’t like the design very much, but with this combo, I really love it!
That is a very dreamy colour. I’m glad you like it very much!
Thank you!
všeeeč, krasen frenki
Iiiiiiii, kako je lep! Čestitam za čudovitega frenkija. :wub:
Hja, ni beton! :whistle: :biggrin: