Essie – Spring knocks at the door

By Mamy

Even-though I love winter and everything that comes with it, this year I can hardly wait for more sun and warmer weather. I’m fed up of white, I want colors … green, pink, purple, yellow. :D

I’m not surprised that pastels are in fashion. I want colors too.

Even white picture background is starting to look dull.

Did you know that we didn’t have this little of sunny days in the last 28 years?!? Back to the colors …

My son would be proud of me for not using monotone composition …

Essie L-R: China Doll, Mint Candy Apple, Jag-u-are, Huckle Buckle

I was impressed by Essie polishes. I can’t stop looking at them, one is prettier than other.

Group photo with  Essie Spring Collection that Maestra will show you.

Bouquet for my friend from warmer place, who follows our blog.

Enter the spring joyfully and embrace the spring colors.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

11 thoughts on “Essie – Spring knocks at the door”

  1. Kje kaj kopujete essijove lakce? :) Zadnjič sem spraševala v Mariborskem Douglasi če imajo, pa so rekli da ne ..  :shock:

  2. Jaaa, sonček, barve … Jaz sem že cel teden z rdečkotom na nohtih, samo da je živo in iskrivo …
    Čeprav me tole sonce totalno utruja … imam občutek, kot da moram narediti milijon stvari in izkoristiti to sonce, pa nikakor ne stlačim vsega v en dan … :biggrin:


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