Flormar 410

Lately I just exchange one violet polish for another. Flormar 410 is one of those shades. I really loved this polish so I had to show it to you right away.

Flormar 410 swatch

Polish is almost purple in the sun and definitely a lot warmer color that compared to that taken in shade.

Flormar 410 swatch

Artificial light brings out the cool tone.

Flormar 410 swatch

Lately all of the Parokeets seem to be into purple polishes.  :D

Maestra konads over the Color Club Wild At Heart holo polish, Goga drools over the Nfu-Oh 282 color and bottle, Mamy is impressed with (previously Goga’s) Precision Purple Hooter shade …

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8 thoughts on “Flormar 410”

  1. Joj je lep. Tega moram obvezno imeti.
    Sem ga že občudovala pri Gejbi, pa še dovolila mi je, da sem z njim namazala moje bonbončke :party: :silly:


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