New Essence Trend Edition Crazy About Colour

By Mamy

I just love this years spring editions. They’re all so colorful it joy to look at them. The first thing that drew me from new  Essence Trend Edition with playful name Crazy About Colour, was packaging. Polish and gloss caps, eyeshadow boxes …

I have swatches of all the polishes from this TE:

Essence TE Crazy About Colour

Essence Crazy About Colour

Essence TE Crazy About Colour

01 Think Pink is not completely pink color. It leans a little bit to cyclamen side. This opaque polish comes in cream finish. I used two coats without top coat. The detail taken in sunlight is the closest I came to the real color.

Essence TE Crazy About Colour, Think Pink, swatch

02 Lilac Forever is light purple shade I simply adore. I don’t know why, but I never get tired of this color. Even-though they look alike I want to have all of them. Two layers, creme finish.

Essence Crazy About Colour: Lilac Forever, swatch

You can see for yourself how much alike are Essence The One And Only and Lilac Forever shade. The One And Only is little bit lighter and thicker than Lilac Forever. I think you don’t need bot of them.

Essence The One and Only vs. Lilac Forever swatch

The last one is 03 Crazy Me. Very pigmented green-blue shade. I used two layers. This is creme finish.

Essence Crazy About Colour: Crazy Me

You can check out other items from this trend edition in drugstores. I had their wallet on my WL, but it’s just too small for me.

If you like anything, go out and pamper yourself.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

20 thoughts on “New Essence Trend Edition Crazy About Colour”

  1. Novička za vse, ki še vedno iščete kaj iz te TE: danes sem naletela na nedotaknjena stojala v DM V Lj v Hali A in na Rudniku. No, čisto nedotaknjena nista več… :haha:

    • Kokola, sem šla primerjat steklenički in si nista kaj preveč podobni. I Sea You je bolj pastelne barve, Crazy Me je bolj zelen.

  2. jih je katera še zasledila kje ? muller je čisto oropan, v douglasu pa so mi dejali da je najnovejša kolekcija cute as hell :think:

    • Marinka, če se prav spomnim, so punce pisale, da bi jih morali prodajati tudi v DM drogerijah, ampak malo kasneje. Upam, da se dokoplješ do željenega odtenka. :yes:

  3. Kljub temu, da so mi vsi všeč, še vedno prisegam na Lilac Forever.
    Drži, Beauty addict, podobno “črtno kodo” smo videle v aktualni Catrice TE Pastel Delight.  Hvala! :rose:
    Manuela, Joe je bolj topel od Lilac Forever,  tako da ti priporočam oba, če ti je takšna barva všeč.  :thumb:
    Hvala vsem za komentarje, punce! :love:

  4. Uau, lilac forever je ful lep  :w00t:
    A je podoben tudi Joe-ju, ker pri nas teh novih stvari še ni, pa me zanima če se mi splača čakat :wub:

  5. Hoćem ljubičasti i zeleni!!!! Krasni su! :wub:
    Dizajn čepa podsjeća me na catrice pastel delight kolekciju :)
    Hvala na swaqtchevima! :)


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