Blue Nail Polishes Comparison

By Mamy

In one of my previous posts, I promised you comparison between my blue polishes.

Comparison: Ciate-Holiday Blues, S-he 399, Essence-Bonnie, Essence- Pool Party

Comparison: Ciate-Holiday Blues, S-he 399, Essence-Bonnie, Essence- Pool Party

The only thing they have in common is that they’re all light blue. :D

I compared following shades:

Ciate – Holiday Blues: the lightest in color, creme, very opaque, two layers, easy to apply.

S-he Stylezone – 399: I already wrote about wateriness of this polish and lousy coverage. Finish is jelly, I used four layers.

Essence – Bonnie: winner in my book with great coverage. One layer was enough, it’s easy to apply and has creme finish.

Essence – Pool Party: lovely summer color, little bit watery but still opaque enough, with shimmer. Maestra loves this shade and has written post about it HERE.

Comparison: Ciate-Holiday Blues, S-he 399, Essence-Bonnie, Essence- Pool Party

Comparison: Ciate-Holiday Blues, S-he 399, Essence-Bonnie, Essence- Pool Party

Blue color reminds me of rain. We have too much of it right now. Good thing I like it.

Fruit trees started to bloom and rain is sadly not good for them.

Cvet marelice, Apricot Blossom
Apricot Blossom

I recommend walks in the rain. But don forget the …

Deznik, Umbrella

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

11 thoughts on “Blue Nail Polishes Comparison”

  1. Uf, nikakor se ne bi mogla odločiti, kateri mi je najbolj všeč. Rada imam svetlo modre odtenke, zato mi je zelo všeč Ciatko. Pool Party je neverjetno posrečen odtenek, zato je tudi ta moj favorit. S-he odpade zaradi nanosa. Bonnie pa je morda favorit ravno zaradi nanosa. Zato rabim vse in skoraj vse že imam. Le Ciatko mi manjka. :yes:

  2. Gejba, z Bonnie-jem ne moreš zgrešiti, o Pool Pary-ju si itak že lahko prebrala same pohvale. Morda ti modra barva postane celo všeč. :party:


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