H&M – Fashionista and Konad m72, swatch

By Mamy

Which polish to choose among my latest haul – not an easy decision to make. I’m totally fascinated by purple color. I have purple blouses, scarfs, earrings, necklaces, suits, sweaters, bags … I’ll show you some of those articles in this post.

H&M Fashionista looks lively in the bottle, and it lived to my expectations after I applied it. This is perfect purple color with high shine. Application was easy – I used two thin coats. Polish has red shimmer that gives it warm hue.

(This is the photo with most realistic color, but grass got in way, so try to ignore it)

H&M Fashionista, swatch
H&M – Fashionista, two coats
H&M Fashionista, swatch
H&M – Fashionista, two coats, shadow
H&M - Fashionista, sun
H&M – Fashionista, one coat! sun
H&M Fashionista + Catrice TC Silver Nights + konad m72, swatch
H&M Fashionista + Catrice TC, Silver Diamonds + konad m72
H&M Fashionista, Catrice TC Silver Diamonds, konad m72, swatch
H&M – Fashionista + Catrice TC, Silver Diamonds + konad m72

Did I forget to mention high-heeled shoes? Here they are.

Alpina GTH, Alja Novak
Alpina GTH, designer Alja Novak

I love Alpina’s shoes from GTH (Go To Have) collection, designed by Alje Novak. They’re very comfortable, special and pretty.

This is all for today. Have a wonderful and successful day!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

9 thoughts on “H&M – Fashionista and Konad m72, swatch”

  1. Jaz tudi spadam v kategorijo ”viola frikov”  :wave: in šele ko enkrat začneš kombinirat oblačila v tej barvi vidiš koliko odtenkov te barve je :idea: (in jasno je potrebno imeti tudi lake v vseh teh odtenkih :nails: ). Lepa barva. Kako je pa kaj z obstojnostjo in krušenjem teh H&M lakov?

    • karamela, ne morem ti odgovoriti na vprašanje o obstojnosti in krušenju, ker mi jih še ni uspelo testirati. Saj poznaš občutek, ko imaš pred sabo ogromno novih lakov in jih je treba nanesti vsaj za en dan.  :haha:
      Bom sporočila naknadno tudi to! :yes:
      .-= Mamy´s last post … H&M – holographic nail polishes =-.


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