I showed you a konadicure made with Jessica’s Viva La Lime Light HERE. In the comments Elchy asked, if there’s any polish similar to VLLL. I went through my stash. Here’s what I came up with …

Unfortunately no dupes found in my stash. Although VLLL is a lot warmer than other mint greens I have it’s way cooler in comparison to all the lime greens I compared to. Unique in my stash. Great!
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Hvala za to primerjavo! Vsi so čudoviti, najbolj mi je še vedno VLLL, drugi najlepši pa je Entourage. Očitno se bom mogla zadovoljiti z njim. :biggrin:
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Eden je lepši od drugega. :love:
Beautiful…greens are my favorite!
VLLL in Entourage mi delujeta najbolj privlačno. VLLL izgleda kot zelo unikaten odtenek zelene. :thumb:
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