NOTD: Zoya – Adina

By Mamy

I had this polish on the table for a long long time, but it was never the right time for it. There is simply not much color in this polish and I like bright colors.

Zoya Adina:

Zoya - Adina, swatch

It has purple base and a lot of emerald green and lilac shimmer which is visible in the different light. Beautiful duo chrome nail polish like Zoya – Ki, but it’s a little less lively. I used two coats, without any problems with application.

Zoya: Adina, swatch

Zoya: Adina, swatch

How does it looks like in the bottle? Gorgeous. I like multi-color nail polishes. 

Zoya: Adina, bottle

Zoya: Adina, bottle

I’m thinking which flower in our garden looks like my nail polish selected? I choose Morning Glory. Use it where you want to have some privacy.   

Slak/Morning Glory, (Ipomoea Learii Grandiflora)
Slak, Morning Glory, (Ipomoea Learii Grandiflora)

Summer greetings, dear readers! 

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

17 thoughts on “NOTD: Zoya – Adina”

  1. A veš, da je Adina tudi že nekaj časa v moji zbriki, pa se še nisem mogla odločit, da bi jo nosila…  :yes:

  2. Thank you ladies for lovely comments.  :wub: Sometimes I think, that I’m boring with all this flowers in the end of the posts. :biggrin: It’s realy interesting colour.  :yes:
    Sploh ne vem, zakaj je toliko časa čakal ob strani.   :nails:
    .-= Mamy´s last post … NOTD- Zoya – Adina =-.

  3. Not really my color, but Mamy – your photos are always breathtaking. :wub:

    .-= Gejba´s last post … Giveaway- Essence Eclipse and Return To Paradise =-.

  4. I´ve got this polish too but I tried it only once. I have the same opinion as you – there´s not much color in it and it looks a little dirty (?). But the color alone is interesting and lot of people like it. The first picture is very pretty :rose:

  5. I’m wearing it right now, going to write an article about it. I love the polish, but it doesn’t come through on photo’s.


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