It’s 31 degrees Celsius in Ljubljana at the moment. Hot. Vamos a la Playa, tra-la-la…
Let’s look together at some of my favorite summer shades that will surely go with me to the sea in the coming days. Perhaps you’ll find something interesting for your selves, our dear readers.
The ruling nail polish is China Glaze – Flip Flop Fantasy from China Glaze Poolside Collection Summer 2010. The color is really hot, my husband said it is poisonous. He likes that shade.

Another nail polish from this collection is Kiwi Cool-ada. That one it’s beautiful too. Both are so beautiful in the shadow and in the sun. They’re neon, creme with matte finish. I didn’t have any problems with application and they were dry in the moment.

The next one is neon Flormar N002, an excellent blue shade, two coats.

Are we ready to go to the beach?
Good-bye till the second part of summer shades.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Thanks girls for your lovely comments! :rose:
Res moram poudariti, da so mi take drzne barve, kar neončki vsekakor so, izredno všeč. Je sploh treba napisati, da si vsak dan ogledujem cele kolekcije neon odtenkov. In kar je najhuje, imela bi vse, čisto ve. Srčno upam, da me bo s hladnejšimi dnevi minila neon-omanija, a sredi poletja si želeti hlad in svežino… bolj brezpredmetno upanje. :haha:
Mnogo bolje, da grem zalivat svoje rože in zelenjavo, ki v tej vročini trpijo hudo žejo. Ciao! :ccc:
.-= Mamy´s last post … Vamos a la Playa- part 1 =-.
Meni se tudi zdi, da neončki niso zame :smell: ampak na tvojih nohti izgledajo čudovito.
Ne morem se odločiti, kateri mi je najbolj …
Za odhod na plažo smo pa valjda da pripravljeni :haha: :haha: :haha:
Komaj čakam 2. del :nervous:
Neončki pa niso za mene. :blush: Ampak na tvojih nohtih izgledajo pa zelo lepo. :nails:
.-= Tassa´s last post … Essence Eclipse TE – Ready To Be Bitten =-.
Mmm, Kiwi… pravi lepotec strupenko! :nails: Komaj čakam 2.del. :happy:
.-= Maestra´s last post … We rescued a swallow today- =-.
Well, I’m ready! Love these polishes <3
wow!! oh yeh!! i love to go to the beach!! :wink:
Flip-flop fantasy (žal ga pri nas nisem zasledila se dobijo pa drugi odtenki iz te kolekcije) in flomar :wub:
Flormar neonček je full cortkan. Komaj čakam, da ga sprobam. :wub:
.-= Gejba´s last post … Essence Return To Paradise polishes and stamping =-.
Super neončki! Najbolj mi je všeč strupeno zelen Kiwi Cool-ada! Srček je <3
.-= Tiana´s last post … ZOYA – Mimi =-.