At the moment I own 14 different Fyrianne eyeshadows and I’ll show you swatches of all of them today. Are you excited? Here they are in no specific order.
EDIT: Eyeshadows are applied wet and dry with no base.
I don’t have much to say about the eyeshadows, because I didn’t have the chance or/and time (yet) to try them all in action. You can see in the first photo that Mephisto is weird and I’ve had some problems with it in the past. I love most of them! I can’t pick my favourite, because all of them are beautiful and I’ll definitely order more in the future.
Here’s a MU with Fyrinnae eyeshadows I showed you before …
And here’s my EOTD …
I love orange eyeshadows! And in combination with burgundy it looks great!
What do you think? Have you already tried Fyrinnae eyeshadows? What are your favourites?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
:stars: I’m drooling! :w00t:
:wub: I would never think of using orange and burgundy together. It’s a gorgeous combination. Love the complete eyemakeup look. Beautiful.
:rose: I love love love the burnt orange look! I would & have not given Monarch Butterfly a second look…..UNTIL I saw it here. Oh my Jonas, it’s more beautiful than I’ve given it credit for! Thank you for sharing this.
I am a new subscriber to your blog but am loving what I’m reading so far!!!!! :love:
Thanks for subscribing! :rose:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Maestra’s Outfit Of The Day 21 Sept 2010 =-.
Shinigani in soceress sta mi favoritki :stars: Mu-ji pa so itaq za dol past :drop:
.-= Lyra´s last post … Milani- Whimsical Essie- MAY Konad =-.
Maestra, sami lepi MU! :drop:
OK, tudi senčke so čudovite, :naughty: ampak jih je seveda treba znati uporabljati. Go, Maestra, go! :cute:
.-= Mamy´s last post … Holidays in Finland =-.
Na prvi sliki bi imela kar vse, na drugi pa vse zelene. Joj! :blush: Prelepe so! Razlika je tudi mene hudo presenetila, moker nanos jih res čisto spremeni. Res me mikajo! MU je pa kot vedno mojstrski, videti je kot barve sončnega zahoda, res prelepo. :)
Ovo zelenilo na kapku krasno izgleda :happy:
Maestra, mojstrsko! :stars: res zanimivo kako moker nanos naredi senčke bolj barvno nasičene. že razmišljam, da bi si tudi jaz kakšen odtenek priskrbela…
poswatchane senčke so prelepe :yes:
prvi make up je pa popolnost :stars: :wub: bi si takoj istega naredila če bi znala :cry:
Hvala, Anchek! :rose: Sicer pa … vaja vaja vaja … če jaz pogledam svoje fotke za nazaj. :bljak: :scared:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Fyrinnae swatches and EOTD =-.
Za prve tri senčke ne morem verjeti, koliko spremenijo barve z mokrim nanosom.
Must have these in my life. ASAP.
EOTD je pa :stars: Kako lepo! Bom poskusila s tem, kar imam, kaj podobnega dosežit.
Pa zunanji kotički so na vseh tvojih slikah tako popolno definirani.
Ja, razlika med mokrim in suhim nanosom je ogromna! Dejansko zažarijo šele z mokrim nanosom. Sem pa zgoraj dodala, da suh nanos pomeni, da spodaj ni nobene podlage. S podlago izgledajo vseeno bolj intenzivne. Vsi moji MUji so narejeni s suhim nanosom čez podlago. ;) Ja, ta senčila pa res MORAŠ imeti! ;)
Hvala za komentar! :rose: Za zunanji kotiček se poskušam res potruditi, ker mi res ni lepo, če ni dobro zablendan oz. zaključen ali definiran, kot si se ti izrazila. Mah, imam enega perfekcionista v sebi in še enega, ki je zelo kritičen do mene. :biggrin:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Fyrinnae swatches and EOTD =-.