EOTD: Expect The Unexpected

Do you remember my previous NOTD? The In The Army manicure? Well, today I have a matching EOTD for you. I named it after the last Catrice’s LE Expect The Unexpected. From that collection I only got two things, everything else was sold out.

Catrice - Expect The Unexpected Trend Edition
Catrice – Expect The Unexpected Trend Edition

I’m glad I got the green eyeshadow duo, because I love it! Today’s EOTD is made mostly with them.

EOTD: Expect The Unexpected by Maestra

EOTD: Expect The Unexpected by Maestra

These are the products I’ve used to create the look:

  • Catrice – Expect The Unexpected – In The Lime-L’eye’ght (eyeshadows)
  • Catrice – Expect The Unexpected – Behind Blue Eyes (eyeliner)
  • Revlon – Tempting Teal (matte eyeshadow)
  • Deborah – Dandy Glam – Emerald Rose (eyeshadow)
  • Everyday Minerals – Aussie Perk Me Up
  • Manhattan – Ultimate Definition mascara

EOTD: Expect The Unexpected by Maestra

And a bonus photo …

EOTD and NOTD: Expect The Unexpected by Maestra

Have a nice day!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

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6 thoughts on “EOTD: Expect The Unexpected”

  1. Perfekcija, kot vedno, zelo zelo lepo, odtenek tvojih oči je idealen za tovrstno igranje barv. :stars:
    Sicer pa malce OT: stopnja razprodanosti Catrice me veliko bolj sekira kot Essence, ker si res želim precej njihovih izdelkov. Update njihove redne linije je za moj okus tako dober, da si želim vsaj en izdelek iz vsakega “razdelka”, sploh vijoličen smokey eyes set in Run,Forest,Run lak za nohte. Pa nekaj miljon senčil. Ah. Naj jo že pripeljejo v Slovenijo! :hmm:

    • Hvala! :rose:

      Nisi čisto nič OT. ;) Se popolnoma strinjam s teboj. Catrice ima nekaj krasnih izdelkov. Prenova lakov je bila fenomenalna, zdaj pa komaj čakam še prenovo ostalih izdelkov. :yes: Tudi jaz upam, da pridejo vsi Catrice izdelki kmalu v SLO!


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