A while ago Lucy brought me really cute BeYu and p2 polishes from Germany.
I wanted to swatch one of them, but I just could not decide which one should I pick. So I’ll leave the decision in you capable hands.
Which shade do you prefer?
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Gigantic zmaga po udarnosti! :w00t:
I’d like to see Chic :)
Gigantic *________*
BeYu 118, izgleda čudovita rdeča. Kaj hočem, malce sem že ven iz vijoličnega obdobja. :wink: Morda primerjava z Limited Addiction, če bo priložnost? :rose:
meni se zdi tudi Gorgeous zanimiv… še ena točka zanj! :)
Včeraj sem imela to čast, da sem sprobala Gorgeous! :party:
Res je lep. Gejba, tudi jaz navijam za en post samo o njemu :yes:
P2 Chic dobi moj glas, logično. :D
p2 Gorgeous or Beyu 344. Both are gorgeous.
the purple ones are pretty
I’m getting strong p2 vibe here. :biggrin:
Gorgeous!!! :yes:
pretty shade.. gorgeous is really gorgeous!! :wub:
Wow! Gigantic :drools: :w00t:
Što kažeš na svaki nokat drugi lak? :pic:
A onda po redu,svaki dan drugi lak,imaš taman za tjedan dana :nails:
I imam za tjedan dan recenzija. :biggrin:
Gorgeous! Ker je gorgeous :biggrin:
P2 polishes always look so WOW-WOW-WOW! to me… I whish I could find them here in Italy :(
Is gorgeous a holographic one?
Sorry – no holo in the bunch.
I too simply love p2 polishes … I guess that is why I have 20 of them. :biggrin: