A giraffe of the day

Are you wondering what the heck does this title mean? I bet you are. Well, sometimes I just don’t feel like the standard “NOTD: China Glaze – Classic Camel” types of titles. I think titles like that are boring. But I know that titles like that are reader-friendly, because they tell the reader exactly, what the article is about. I know all that and I try to title my posts with reader-friendly titles, but from time to time I like to make an exception. I hope you don’t mind. Today’s post could have had at least thousand of different titles and I tried to come up with a good one, but I just couldn’t. So, it’s “A giraffe of the day”. LOL And the post actually has something to do with a giraffe and today, so it’s kinda appropriate title. I guess. You’ll be the judge of that.

My giraffe was actually “born” as a camel … a Classic Camel by China Glaze to be precise. It’s a delicate shade from the Vintage Vixen collection. It’s a shade that a lot of people don’t like and it’s a shade that won’t look good with a lot of skin tones. I liked it since the first time I saw it, because I just like weird things and weird shades. And because my skin tone is kinda yellow, I hoped Classic Camel would look good on me. And I think it doesn’t look bad. It’s still a weird shade, but I like it. The gold shimmer makes it special for me. The shimmer looks like glass flecked micro glitter. The application was easy and in the photo below there’s only one coat of polish.

Swatch: China Glaze - (Vintage Vixen): Classic Camel
China Glaze – (Vintage Vixen): Classic Camel (1 coat)

During the day my camel “magically” transformed into a giraffe. Are you curious how? Nail stamping is the answer to your question. I used the newest Essence image plate and a brown Essence – In Love nail polish for stamping.

Giraffe Look by Maestra
Giraffe Look by Maestra

Let me explain some more the photo above. The background is my beautiful new scarf. I love scarves and wear them all the time! The make up I’ve been wearing today is shown in the upper left corner. I’ve been wearing the combination of red or purple lipstick and nude eyeshadows lately. I don’t know what’s gotten into me and I have no idea, how long this phase is going to last, but I like the change. In the lower right you can see my helix piercing. I feel so funny showing you my ear. LOL I’ve had my ear pierced for years and I totally forgot about it, because I didn’t have anything in my ear for a couple of years now. In the past couple of weeks I’ve been remembered of my piercing by tigica and her’s little obsession with piercings. So tigica, the lower right corner photo is just for you. ;) I’ll show you my other piercings for my helix piercing in another post. ;)

That’s it. After a long time a personal post by me. Hope you liked it!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

26 thoughts on “A giraffe of the day”

    • Ni problema. Bolje pozno kot nikoli, kajne? :biggrin:
      Meni ta piercing sicer ni bogvekaj, a je OK. Naročila nisem še nič, kupila pa sem jih že precej. :whistle: Ugotovila sem namreč, da ima tudi Six nekaj izbire in sem precej njihovih kupila. Verjetno pa se bom kmalu odločila še kaj naročiti, ker pri nas ne dobiš nič posebnega. Imaš par različnih modelov in to je to. Jaz imam pa rada posebne zadeve. Ne bom pa niti omenjala pregrešno dragih piercov v Exit-u in niti neke ful hude izbire nimajo. En pregrešno drag pierc sem sicer kupila pri njih. Res je, da ravno ta zdaj moj najljubši, ampak samo zato, ker sem gor našraufala svoje kamenčke. :wub: Moram res pofotkati zadeve in jih pokazati svetu. :biggrin:

  1. Hvala punce za komentarje! Me veseli, da vam je moja žirafa všeč! :rose:
    Thanks for all your lovely comments! I’m glad you liked my giraffe manicure. :rose:

  2. Mislim, da tvoja žirafa rešuje njihovo kamelo, saj iz nje naredi zelo luškano manikuro. Classic Camel je ena redkih Glazic, ki mi je bila čisto nenosljiva. Tako zelo nenosljiva, da si je še zdaj ne upam objavit na blogu. Grozljivo se tepe z mojim tenom in nanos je bil tako obupen da je vse skupaj videti kot da imam gelirane nohte. Je pa res, da mi že barva sama po sebi sploh ni všeč, pa imam rada “grde” odtenke. :) Z rjavimi pegami za moj okus ravno dovolj pokriješ CCja in barvna kombinacija je res žirafasta. Zelo domiselno. :) :thumb:

    • A res ti je povzročal težave pri nanosu? Huh. Meni jih ni niti malo. Verjetno pa je velika razlika mazati tako kratke nohte, kot so moji, in tvoje dolge nohte. :ermm: No, meni je bil čisto zadosti en nanos. :thumb: Je pa res, da je malenkost gost in hmm … zdrizast? Verjetno ti je zato povzročal težave. Na mojih kratkih nohtih je lepo in enakomerno prekril površino. Da pa se tepe s tenom kože, pa si lahko zelo dobro predstavljam, ker je res zelo delikaten odtenek in lahko verjetno izredno jajks izgleda. :bljak:
      Sicer pa hvala za pohvale! Jih bom predala žirafici. :biggrin:

  3. Tale lak mi sam po sebi nikakor ne potegne…s to kombinacijo pa je neverjetno lep! Če bom imela srečo in dobila tole ploščico, bom zagotovo poskusila podobno kombinacijo.
    Natur oči in kakšna bolj udarna šminka sta tudi pri meni zadnje čase precej v uporabi. Tebi pa tudi zeloooo paše (sodeč po fotki)! Še več takšnih fotk!! :rose:

  4. Odlična žirafa dneva ;))

    Ampak še vedno ne vem kje si našla nove platke od Essence? Jaz jih že nekaj časa iščem in iščem … in ne najdem :undecided:


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