Some Nfu-Oh Shades of Hologram Series

By Mamy

You already had a chance to read about my love for Nfu-Oh polishes.

If you like holographic shades, Nfu-Oh Hologram polishes are a must. In Slovenia they’re available only in one store called Za piko na i.

Nfu_Oh_ Hologram_Series_SwatchI still have only four shades. Each of them is something special and they’re not comparable. If you compare bottles they look very alike, but when you apply then, difference is obvious.

Even though I own Aqua Base I rarely use it as base coat. And I skip top coat too.

I recommend you use them in sunny weather or well lit room where they can glow in all of their beauty. All of the shades are composed of multitude of colors. You look at them under one angle and see one color, you switch the angle and another color pops up.

#61 is mostly purple or gray, #62 dirty pink. In #65 main color is blue and green in #66. And I’m being very relative on the fact which one is primary color.




And the group photo you have already seen.


Thank you all for following our blog. Congratulation to all Parokeets ladies who’re simply bursting from ideas and energy!

I may not be one of the more diligent Parokeet ladies, since I’m pretty busy, but I write about things I think you would want to know.

P.S. Nfu-Oh Hologram #65 shade is one of the prizes in our birthday giveaway.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

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